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Why not enjoy the view for a while?

[EDIT: I re-installed the information at the bottom of the comic page. Also added a cock shadow to the last panel for fun.]




That’s an enjoyable view!!

Dhaka Yeena

That’s our boy!

Tahj Wilson

Uh oh. Someone's getting feelsy

Lee Evergreen

Gotta show the rest of 'em some love! Like a true gentleman.

Kanin Leer

Sssh, let Joe enjoy this

kai wolfheart

It's about the journey, not the destination. 👍🏼


Wish I had a relationship like this because they are so GOOD


joe showing him the good time he deserves ♥️


He’s gonna blow!


This is the good kush. The view angles are hot

Anthony Reid

This storyline is so hot. Their chemistry is so hotttt. So happy for the two of them. I hope this turns into something.


Poor boy is pent up.


Oh God, I'm out with friends. Shouldn't be looking at this but can't look away


It's a really nice view, tbh

Kibble the Satyr

I’m not sure why, but I have a suspicions Joe wants Travis to turn around and face him. Maybe that’s me projecting but it’d be nice if it happens!


Cute that Travis is being polite about Joe cumming early, dude, we've all been there! But we're sure (and hopeful!) Joe will be down for a couple more rounds yet!

Zylvan Celestion

I concur Meesh, taking a brief respite to savor and slow down to take full advantage of ones partner in such a situation? Priceless, magnificent. And as always, what incredible portrayal of intimacy!!!


After all, Travis is quite beautiful


I hope Joe decides to finish stripping off Travis’ shirt. And that he also takes his off as well. Enjoy all of your partners body not just their 🍑 & 🍆. Don’t forget the 🍒.


Lmao this is the moment where joe realizes hes gay as hell


Travis isn't used to someone admiring him and his body. Since Dennis only saw him as a living fleshlight.

Ed Haynes

Which would make Travis appreciate Joe even more in return.


Oh.... Pound town is a comin!!!!


What a soft butt you have Travis.

J Olson

Joe is approaching a mental Event Horizon. He’s already caught in the gravity well of Travis’ hole...once he cums there is no return. He’s fighting the inevitable and the paradox is that it feels so damn good and right.

Gayme Guy

You forgot to input all the stuff on the bottom border including the page number lol

pj wolf

God. This is so.. .fucking... intimate. Like, the lighting is one thing, but the slow stroke is just... *fantastic.*


I really can't blame Joe. I'd lose it pretty fast with Travis too.


I would be very happy to see the two of them with entire bodies in one page, Joe behind Travis. It would be nice if he lifted Travis' torso and hugged him tightly, caressing his chest at the exact moment he was coming and breathing and moaning deeply near Travis' ear, in a slow and rhythmic movement, with voluptuousness and passion at the same time. . Travis would then feel the big difference between Joe and Dennis. It would grow in his mind until he couldn't get Joe out of his thoughts anymore.


By the way, congratulations Meesh, you really are an artist and script writer of incredible talent. My dream is that you could continue the story of Joe and Travis longer for a few more issues. Maybe for 2 more issues, Passing Love 3 and 4. This is the best story I've ever read in my life, you are improving your drawing and storytelling technique more and more. Which would leave an existential void if you decide to stop this story in this issue Passing love 2. :( I would be glad to upgrade my patreon if Passing Love 3 is coming out too :)


Travis's face in first panel.. He's getting bigger.. He's Definately Getting BIGGER.. HE'S F*CKING GENORMOUS!!!!!


Hopefully his cock and balls will not venture past the Even Horizon.. Never to be seen again :) I am having visions of the movie "Event Horizon"

Double P

I love that Travis finally gets treated like a significant other. The way Joe looks at him and caresses him is beautiful! Dennis only saw him as two holes he can use so he can look into getting a fleshlight because Travis deserves SOOOO much better!


I'm just hoping Joe completely lets go and they full on make out like crazy while doing it. Give Travis what he deserves!

Sean Williams

Here's hoping Travis gets hearts in his eyes when Joe goes all out.

Random Gonta

That shadow really gives you a hint of how deep inside he is, 10/10


Thank you very much! There will certainly be a Passing Love 3, but that will be a while from now.


You can really tell that Travis is so much better off with Joe already. Joe isn't just a one pump chump as it were and I get the impression from the last few panels on this page, that Joe is a caring lover who wants Travis to have as much fun as he's about to.


I'm also left with the impression Travis isn't used to guys taking their time etc.


Nr. 1 furry artist on Patreon, the numbers don't lie👉


What’s this? Someone who seems to want Travis to enjoy it, too?!?


light trigger dick.


I just want to thank you for having consistent naming convention for the files. Makes looking at them later so much easier.


soo sweet :)