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My move went fairly smoothly! I've been busy as hell getting essential stuff unpacked and getting settled in my new home, and I finally got the computer set up. Work on the next comic page can now resume!

Thanks a ton for your patience during this little dry spell while I get my life started up again. I'm dying to get back to a normal routine again! Look out for the next comic page soon!



I just moved too! I'm unpacking as well.


Mission Accomplished, *plays Star Fox mission accomplished music*

Diego P

welcome home!


Congrats, stay safe and we can wait. Enjoy your new place!


Congrats! Just got unpacked myself. So. Much. Fun. 😐


Awesome. Will we see what your new home is like?


It sure is a feeling to spend so much time putting everything you own in boxes, and then spend even more time undoing it. Congrats on the move!

Steele Fang

You are efficient to the extreme.


I hope soon you can feel like you are at home ^^


I'm really enjoying this comic, in odd way because it is reminding me so much of my first "relationship". And I hope it ends the same way. With Travis dropping this self-centered jerk like a bad habit and finding someone who actually gives a shit about what he wants.