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I returned last night from my trip! My parents and I went to our usual spot that we've been going to for the last couple of years. We always try to secure the same spots, since it gives us a pretty great view of the lake and is relatively shady.

Camping has always been about a change of scenery rather than doing anything especially rugged, so I spent most of my time lounging about the camp reading. I did get to see my fair share of nature, though.

In recent years we've given up the pretense that we're roughing it at all. This was the epitome of "glamping", as there was a small resort with cabins on that very lake with its own bar...

So classy.

I didn't end up drawing too much, only refining a sketch I had started a week ago, which I'll upload later today. I'll also be finishing up Turn About Part 4 and getting that to you patient Patrons today.

 I'm happy to be back and drawing for you all! I hope you guys have a great Friday!




I hope it was relaxing, and you're feeling inspired and recharged.


Beautiful place

Viro Veteruscy

Ooo nice reference pics. Hope you had a good time :3

Richard Awesome

Looks relaxing! I love just chilling in the woods.


Beautiful sights, always good to take some time to settle down and enjoy just living ^^


What a view!! Glad you had a good time dude!


I still think you're just posting the same picture

Giza White Mage

When I saw the picture in my email, my first reaction was, "Meesh is streaming Firewatch now??"


Lovely, and so glad to see that you are roughing it. Bet that isnt even Bombay Gin...

