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I'm happy with the direction this new page took after the initial rough, but I mourn the loss of the top-down view of Luis cock. We'll be seeing plenty more Luis cock through the rest of the comic, though.



Ponpokora (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 12:07:58 As always there are QUITE a few changes/alterations from the initial sketch :D The last panel in particular, did you decide to focus more on the penetration as a pacing thing? >w>
2019-06-08 03:16:13 As always there are QUITE a few changes/alterations from the initial sketch :D The last panel in particular, did you decide to focus more on the penetration as a pacing thing? >w>

As always there are QUITE a few changes/alterations from the initial sketch :D The last panel in particular, did you decide to focus more on the penetration as a pacing thing? >w>


Yes. At first I had Luis going extra slow, and had him use the time to open up her shirt. But with slowing down the pace, it felt like I was wasting the energy I had built up in the previous page and the initial penetration. I decided to go full steam ahead with this initial penetration and worry about getting her breasts out later. :p


Can't wait to see them in all their glory <33 I think that was a good call, makes the breasts out more of an impact if they come with her taking it all in ;3