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Wanted to get this good and prepped for (hopefully) easy inks tomorrow.

Would you believe that in the tail end of Liquid Courage I was able to get a page out in 4 days? What changed?? Maybe I'm just out of practice with ladies in comics...



Johnny Grimm

Listen to hear your lovable schmuck I don't want to hear the negativity from you. I don't want to hear you're slow and getting old, I don't want to hear all that. all I want to hear from you is I can overcome, I will sharpen my senses I will make each stroke it Masterpiece. I will piss gold and s*** diamonds and I will deliver high-quality art that you guys have always enjoyed because that's why I patreon to you and thats what you do. because you are not just some Scribbler who post pictures on a frigerator you sir are an artist of the highest caliber so you will get yourself up off the floor dust yourself off grab your digipen tools and continue to make each stroke one of a maniacal genius and a Madman of the highest caliber because you sir probably just wasted your time reading all this


I don't mind waiting a little longer to see more of your ladies in comics, that's why I'm here! I like your gay stuff, but the way you draw females is well worth the extra time. The line art on this page, particularly on the left, is very, very well done. I like how you changed it to put his hands around her waist as he loses it inside her.


The greatest art alot og time to create keep up the excellent work you Meesh. Also does look mouse came too early in this page before lady was done with his cock?

Asher Tail

To be fair your compositions and panel layouts have gotten more complex since then. Keep it up!