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I just put in a $900 order for characters to fill out the beginning. 

The front of the gym is complete, the locker room phase 1 is complete. As you may have saw there's a backroom to the gym that is in progress, with some special exercises. I reworked a number of scenes with Missy to make it more interesting. 

I'm filling out the landlord's story so there's some more to it on the weekends.

I'm also adding in the mall scene, but I need to build out the house and the big scene when you arrive for the first time.... Tiffany, Candy, and ... you'll have to wait and see....

Updated the right display. I didn't like the way the 4 choices were displayed, so I redid the buttons so it was more intuitive. I finally added in the butt check.

The arousal meter and plug check will be unchanged.

I modified the energy meter with a appearance avatar. The character on the bottom left will change based on how much energy you have. The character will also change based on how slutty you look. So if you look like a dude it will look like a dude, if you look cute, it's a cute girl, and if you go full bimbo it will be the bimbo avatar. 

Finally I'm using GitHub. I'm going to use it for a bit and make sure it's a good solution, but I'll add the $10 and $5 patrons to the private GitHub so you can have access to it anytime.




friend ? no a mountain :D