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Assless Chaps and Super-Powered Panties are both enhanced variants of the basic panties. One gives unrestricted strength, the other allows for unlimited growth, and they were created with the sole purpose of being used to destroy each other.


Both of these weapons were created by the geniuses of the Panty Mafia—the Snakes. The Super-Powered Panties were commissioned by Kern and Bon, who feared Griswold would one day betray them. They paid the Snakes a great sum for this. The Assless Chaps were commissioned by Griswold. He asked the at the time Snake to do this, and when he refused, he ducked him in radioactive waste until he grew another head, transforming into the Snakes.

Griswold, thinking with the immediate future in mind, sought to create a weapon which would boost his power exponentially no matter the cost. He wanted to defeat Bon and Kern quickly, and worry about whatever weapon he would exploit next after they were gone. As such he demanded the Chaps made fast, and with little testing. The process for making them was fairly grueling—endless battlefields were scoured, with panty scraps plucked from every corpse and stitched together.

This resulted in the Assless Chaps, which granted Griswold an incredible surge of power at the expense of time—if he fought for more than a few minutes, they’d gas out and need to recharge. Thankfully for him, he won every battle so easily that there was no need to worry about that, and once he had them he forgot all about battling Bon and Kern. He believed that, no matter what weapon they were cooking up, they couldn’t defeat him.

Bon and Kern, thinking with the long-term future in mind, sought to create a weapon which would allow for infinite growth, learning from every battle it was used in. Creating them was simple, as they were subjected to many rounds of radiation and implanted with different chips to help them retain strength. Soon they had their dream, but like the Chaps, they came with a frustrating caveat. They can grow infinitely, but can’t contain infinite power, meaning eventually, using them will begin to shred them, and if they aren’t repaired, using them will begin to shred you. This is what ruined Kern’s body and left him incapable of using them himself.

Super-Powered Panties versus Assless Chaps. A duel once fated to happen between Bon and Kern and Griswold. But, it never came to be. Despite the fact that creating the panties was entirely to protect themselves from Griswold, the teddy bears knew defeating him was no easy task. To put it bluntly, he was better at battling than them, had spent his entire life fighting. So, they took advantage of his arrogance. He’d become so drunk on power, believing himself so strong that they would never dare betray him, that when they offered to add the power of their Super-Powered Panties to his Assless Chaps, he didn’t dare believe they would betray him, thus bringing a lackluster ending to the battle between these two incredible weapons.

But, eventually, that battle would happen between Lucia and Griswold, and it would be awesome.


Normal Panties – Enhance the user’s base power by a large amount, but will always just be that base amount. Perfect for grunt soldiers.

Super-Powered Panties – Allows consist growth through beating opponents, even allowing the user to change forms. Unfortunately, they’re not too durable, and if they grow too strong can even harm the wearer.

Assless Chaps – Truly breaks the limit of panties, pushing them to their max potential for a short amount of time. After that allotted time, they must recharge.


-The Snakes tried wearing the Assless Chaps themselves. Blew a hole in the wall, and almost revolted against Griswold. He still beat them easily because the way they had to wear them, their heads were their feet.

-Bon and Kern created new stuffed animals just to be experimented on for the panties. Horrible stuff.


-Assless Chaps literally just started as a joke we fought was funny. Originally, they didn’t add anything to Griswold power-wise. But eventually we found the idea of having multiple clothing based power-ups to be hilarious.


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