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First off, hello everyone! I hope you’re having a great week.

This is a new series we’re starting! It’s sort of an evolution of the Lore Stories--an omnibus! Basically imagine a Panty Bear Wiki. We’ll be posting in-depth biographies or overviews of different parts of the TPB world, characters, etc. I’m really excited about this, and hope you all enjoy it! :)



A sprawling, poverty-stricken city, Panty’s Landing is the main setting of The Panty Bear. It is ruled by Bon and the Panty Mafia and is notorious for its rampant crime.


Its original name is lost to time, and nobody knows when, or how, the city was founded. Preachers claim a drunken angel pissed out the sky and this was the byproduct. Historians claim it appeared magically out of thin air. Everyone else claims both took too much acid, and personally don’t give a damn about its origins—their lives would have probably been easier if they were born somewhere else, anyway.

Truthfully we know nothing because, for a while, there was nothing to know. Maybe it had squirted out a hero or two but so had every other town and so nobody thought it special enough to write down. It wasn’t until Captain Scurvy, a vicious pirate seeking refuge from every government in the world, abandoned his boat and fled into the mountains with his crew that its history really begins, because that is when it was first given a name.

Danger’s Cove.

It was no cove, but if you pointed that out to Captain Scurvy, he’d show you why it was called dangerous by plucking your bones from your skin one-by-one. At this point in his career, he was ancient, over a hundred years old, and disgusted with how things had turned out. Years ago he’d been fearsome, sinking any ship who dared steer near him! But here he was, forced to retreat into some nothing town full of farmers just to keep himself safe. He sought one last great achievement, and had the riches to make it possible—he wanted to turn Danger’s Cove into a bustling city!

Some refer to this as the Golden Age of Danger’s Cove, for it was the only time the city flourished without an excess of crime. Scurvy poured money into the people, buying them new homes, ensuring they had food, and offering them all the pleasures they desired. In return he only asked for loyalty. He asked for them to build him buildings, monuments, boats, and cars. He asked them to plant beautiful flowers and grow sprawling gardens. He asked them simply to make Danger’s Cove presentable.

And when it was? He enacted his true plan, inviting all his former enemies, government officials hoping to make their careers by catching him, under the guise that this was a luxurious town one could invest great money into, a tourist trap which would lure fortunes out of suckers’ pockets. Nobody knew he was running the show. Nobody suspected that upon showing up they’d be robbed blind and sent out to survive in the city with nothing. Scurvy never cared one lick about his citizens and soon stopped supporting them. This, along with a whole host of suddenly impoverished people, helped birth a wave of crime within Danger’s Cove which spread further each year.

Scurvy’s old age caught up to him quickly—one of his thirty children learned of his new home and murdered him to take the city for themselves. It wasn’t long before another child arrived and murdered their sibling. This process repeated itself four more times in what was known as the Year of the five Inept Leaders, as none of them did anything except waste their father’s wealth. During this time, Danger’s Cove fell further into disarray. All those buildings and monuments withered into dust, bullet-holes filling walls which had been happily built not so long ago.

Scurvy’s line ended on a sour note with a snobby man named Dillard who ruled for two painstaking years. Born into luxury—he was fathered by Scurvy and a faraway Queen—he had no interest in wealth or status. Instead he sought to break this fragmented city into despair, as his greatest hobby was watching those “beneath” him suffer. He poured his riches into polluting the city with weapons, and poked his nose into every conversation he could, inciting gangs into war and urging allies to turn on one another. He brought tensions to an all-time high, but eventually received justice, being murdered by one of the gangs he’d betrayed.

Left leaderless, Danger’s Cove endured another year of strife. Each gang dreamed of ruling this vast land but nobody could seal the deal—that is until Kern, Bon, and the rest of the Panty Mafia emerged from The Bowels(the sewers), flaunting their panties and using their powers to seize the throne. Various gangs opposed them, but were promptly wiped from existence, and once they announced they were renaming the city Panty’s Landing, everyone backed down, understanding they’d lost.

And that brings us to the modern day, where the Panty Mafia controls everything. Bon has regulated the gangs, giving them each rankings and making it so war must be officially sanctioned by him. Everyone in the city kicks money up to him each month, and if they don’t, a hit-squad appears on their doorstep, and their doorstep disappears for good. This is where we are at the start of The Panty Bear, an era known as: The Terror.


(0 – Denotes year “Panty’s Landing” was founded)


Known For:

-Notorious Pirate.

-Founded Panty’s Landing.

-Survived three heart-attacks during sex.

Cause of Death:

Balls beaten open by son, bled to death.

(Age: 115)


Known For:

-Being the best cyclops baseball player.

-Actually not being a cyclops, just wearing a skin-colored eye-patch.

Cause of Death:

Lit on fire while sleeping by his sister.

(Age: 24)


Known For:

-Running two competing drug rings at once.

-Saying “it is what it is”.

Cause of Death:

It is what it is.

(Age: 55)


Known For:

-Throwing extravagant parties.

-Being a bro.

Cause of Death:

Being fed a poisonous pickle by his brother.

(Age: 32)


Known For:

-Being a pirate and not living up to his father’s name.

-Loving, and only eating, pickles.

-Swimming through shark-infested water to retrieve his lucky pickle.

Cause of Death:

Fed endless pickles by his “generous” brother to the point of choking

(Age: 28)


Known For:

-Buying a cat just to choke it.

-Choking himself.

-Choking his brother.

-Choking the chicken.

Cause of Death:

Choked to death by Bon and Kern. He loved every second of it.

(Age: 22)



-There’s a portal to Hell somewhere in Panty’s Landing…

-There’s a total of three schools for ten thousand+ people.

-More people are unemployed in Panty’s Landing than employed. When asked about this, Bon said: “Why don’t you suck my dick? Because it sounds like you’re tryna suck my dick.”



-Panty’s Landing was nameless until Scott drew page 16.

-In the earliest drafts of the story, the city was pretty standard. Only during revisions did it turn as dark and sinister as it’s become.


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