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Nikola Tesla took a look at his surroundings, examining his new home with an appraising glance, as if checking some new equipment before a new experiment.

Tesla was a man with a peculiar taste, but only on things that interested him. Although his understanding of himself, his mind and his intelligence did not allow him to call himself anything less than a genius, his requirements for his own domicile were close to none. As long as he could do his experiments, a bare cave would do.

Looking at his room furnished with a double bed, a small bedside table, a table, two chairs, and a wardrobe that is completely empty, Tesla didn’t have any complaints. From the side of household living and comfort that is. But…

“Absolutely impermissible!” Tesla’s body trembled in outrage “Where is the dynamo machine?! There’s no space at all! Where will I put the alternator?! There is no room even for a radio for my experiments!” Sparks of electricity started flying as Tesla started raging at the atrocious nature of his domicile.

Tesla breathed in, he needed to calm down… But he really needed the space! And also, a lot of other things for his experiments! Mechanical parts, tools, wires, everything that is most vital in the life of a modern person! His genius demands it!

Tesla exhaled indignantly, looking at the infuriatingly empty room.

Ainz, his new Master, who had summoned him was an incredible human. If, of course, he was human at all.

Tesla remembered his battle against him, and how even his Magnum Opus, his Keuranos System, could not even hurt the mage. He then remembered his death, and his subsequent summoning, and then a deluge of information. Information that if the source of it were not Servants, he would have dismissed everything as tall tales, completely groundless rumors created by the myth-makers of the past.

So he was painfully aware just how outclassed he is against his own Master.

But did this give his Master any right to shield Tesla from his sacred mission? His important experiments that’s going to help humanity advance into a new century, the century of the triumph of science? No, no, and one more time no!

Be his Master, an angel of Paradise, or a demon from the deepest level of Hell. Be he a thousand times stronger than Tesla or a thousand times weaker. The Creator himself will not be able to stop Tesla on his march for progress!

And therefore, after looking at his unsuitable abode again, he was now on a mission. Never mind the fact that the room was perfectly suitable from the point of view of life comforts. Never mind the fact that Servants don’t even need any of it. As he concluded the absolute deficiencies of his future laboratory, Tesla intended to rectify this immediately.

He’s going to find Ainz, who after being summoned disappeared somewhere along with Olga and Angrboda, and he’s going to demand all the necessary lab equipment due to him. And if they did not have them, to take from Da Vinci at least half of her instruments! Genius or not, no one will stand in the way of Tesla's progress!

So with a furious cry and a flash of electricity, Tesla’s going to stomp his way along the halls of Chaldea. Fortunately or not, Ainz found Tesla faster than Tesla was able to find Ainz, all before Tesla even exited his room.

Opening the door to his room, without knocking - somewhat impolite, but generally forgivable. The threshold to his room was violated first by one foot, then a hand, then a face, and finally his Master passed through.

Ainz, who a moment later looked at Tesla with interest and even with some pressure hidden in his gaze. The atmosphere was charged with electricity, and not all from Tesla.

Tesla responded in the same way, staring with unabashed hostility at the Master that he had planned to search all this time, but that had found him first.

There wasn’t a long pause, because having closed the door behind him, Ainz looked at Tesla seriously, then stated his demand without moving on to any greetings or other formal signs of courtesy. “Give me your WCI.”

Tesla sighed. He had heard this word, or rather, the abbreviation, before, but he never got an understanding of its meaning, - “First of all, good afternoon, Master. What brings you to my room?” Tesla started their war of words with a simple courtesy, no need to be impolite after all. Even though he wanted to start his demands, no need to needlessly anger someone that could give him what he wanted.

“Good afternoon, Tesla.” Ainz replied woodenly, without taking his eyes off Tesla, and then immediately repeating his demand. “Give me the WCI.”

Tesla sighed again. At least he was now sure that Ainz was as ancient and strong as he was talked about. After all, only ancient powerful kings possessed such non-gentlemanly manners. - “What is this ‘WCI’ you’re talking about?” Nevertheless, he needs to get this conversation over with, so he can get his laboratory equipment.

“World-Class Item,” After Ainz's clarification, Tesla’s mind became a little clearer, but only slightly since he never heard such a thing in his life and un-life. - “The ability that you used against me in Singularity.”

Tesla blinked, "My Noble Phantasm?"

"In a way," Ainz nodded before moving his gaze to Tesla's metal glove that he still had on his hand.

“Even if we assume that I would agree to simply obey that demand, I just can't imagine how I can give my Noble Phantasm. One, mind you, that does not even have its own physical manifestation, simply being a phenomenon borne of my dream, sublimated into a legend at that?” Tesla sighed looking at Ainz completely unimpressed. “And this is without touching on the fact that I certainly do not feel the desire to give up my Noble Phantasm even if I could in the first place.”

Ainz, hearing Tesla’s explanation, only blinked confusedly at Tesla, - “Wait... Ah... How…  having no physical manifestation?”

“But of course,” Tesla breathed out, looking at Ainz like he’s an idiot. But then again he’s asking a Servant to give up his Noble Phantasm, so perhaps that sentiment is not that far from the truth. “My Noble Phantasm is just my legend, my dream which has taken on the tangible form of lightning. It is not a physical object that I can simply give away.”

After Tesla finished explaining, there was a brief silence in the room again.

Tesla, not at all concerned with the awkward silence, satisfied that he has explained his side satisfactorily, bluntly asked what he searched Ainz for in the first place. “I need a laboratory, the necessary instruments and preferably a large room.”

Ainz blinked, and instead of doing anything else, instead glanced intensely at Tesla's glove. “Ah… This is…” Ah, better cut off that thought before his Master did something unnecessary.

“Just a metal glove.” Tesla lightly waved his gloved hand, as if waving away Ainz's thoughts, - “Useful in some of my experiments, but it is not a Noble Phantasm. And of course it’s not, how did you call it… a World Class Item.” Until a figurative lightbulb lit up in Tesla’s head.

Thinking for a second, Tesla made a decision. “Though, I can give it up in exchange for a laboratory and a set of instruments.”

Ainz, hearing Tesla’s offer was shocked, figuratively speaking of course. With shaky steps, he walked to a nearby chair, sitting down with a thump, forcing Tesla to follow suit, sitting down on the bed. Tesla could almost see some of his Master’s thoughts and memories flashing before his eyes.

“So… You… No… WCI?” Ainz blinked, “None at all?

“As we have already discussed,” Tesla sighed. “My Noble Phantasm is not some kind of WCI that I can hand out, and I have no other powers or artifacts that would be equal to my Noble Phantasm.”

“Oh...” Hearing these words, Ainz only lowered his head. Then he began eerily, noisily taking deep breaths.

Tesla was not an idiot, he understood what Ainz was doing, and perhaps he should have shown more tact. Seeing someone as powerful as Ainz and in whose hands his fate lays doing something like ‘breathing slowly, and counting to ten to calm down’ was quite the disturbing sight.

Ainz of course was simply doing the time-old tradition of a gamer, that just watched the cheat item he had just grinded tirelessly for, falling into the textures of the ground due to a bug and can’t be recovered anymore. Or perhaps the despair from fighting an ultra-hard, ultra-rare boss and finding that the reward was not at all equivalent to the effort expended. If Cainabel was here, she would be quite familiar with Ainz’s state of mind. After all it was the same emotion Ainz displayed after defeating her in YGGDRASIL.

Tesla, looking at such an eerie manifestation of emotions from Ainz, whose suppression of emotions saved him from the desire to destroy, but was not fully able to stop the waves of disappointment and anger rising from the depths of his soul, decided to wait a little before continuing the dialogue.

Ainz sat still for a few more minutes, slowly inhaling and exhaling air, before raising his hand in the air, clenching it into a fist and, after a forceful exhalation of air, let it fall to his knee helplessly.

“Damn it,” Ainz murmured and, after massaging his temples a little, seemed to have calmed down. “Oh... Hah... Damn, that’s not at all what I wanted to hear… What a big downer, huh...” As a pro of the almost torturous game that is YGGDRASIL, Suzuki Satoru is a master of handling disappointment.

Tesla, although he certainly did not consider himself to be guilty of any emotions that Ainz was currently feeling, nevertheless sympathized a little. Whatever feeling he might be experiencing and whatever the situation was, Ainz was clearly upset about its outcome.

“Oh,” After a short while moping, Ainz finally looked up, as if just realizing that Tesla was still in the room with him. “Okay… It probably can't be helped, so... Um, yes, Tesla, you were talking about a laboratory and supplies?”

Tesla, although just a few minutes ago was eager to claim all the resources due to him, was somewhat surprised. He admits that, given how persistent and immersed in his own worries Ainz was, Tesla did not expect Ainz to actually hear his request at all, or even to be in a state of mind to actually address it. Hopefully, Ainz’s previous mood won’t actually affect the outcome of his request.

“Hmm, yes,” Tesla, however, bullishly plodded ahead. The worst Ainz can do is say no after all. “I need a laboratory, preferably in a large room. Then I need at least two alternators, at least three hundred meters of excellent copper wire, a dynamo…”

Tesla then began to list all the supplies he needed, all the while part of his attention was taken by observing Ainz’s looking at Ainz reaction, waiting for him, of course, to start fighting for every little thing on the list. He fully expected having to fight for every centimeter of wire, for every gram of coal and a meter of free space, but… just in case, he might as well add some things that he can discard later in negotiation.

Listening to Tesla's recitation of all the things he wanted, Ainz only nodded slowly to the beat of the words, as if his previous depression was no longer existent. So after Tesla finished listing the things he wanted with the ‘20-meter transformer that goes by my name’, Ainz nodded one last time. “Okay, I'll see what can be found... I can’t promise you that Chaldea will have all of this... But I may be able to find some.”

Tesla, hearing the unexpected reply, for a second wondered if this was one of those ‘polite refusals’ to which he got used to during his life. Or worse another of those idiotic ‘American joke’-things. But, Ainz did not look like an uninterested investor at the moment, listening to Tesla's explanation about his invention almost with a bored look on their face, all but yawning with boredom. No, Tesla saw Ainz sincerely noting the components.

Tesla was somewhat embarrassed by his duplicity for a second. That is before realizing his duty not only as a leader of mankind, but also as a gentleman, that he must right his mistakes. He notes that it was quite awkward to cough into his metal-encased fist. “Well... Perhaps a twenty-meter transformer is not needed per se... I can assemble one myself if the need arises.”

“Okay,” Ainz just nodded at Tesla’s circumvent admittance of fault before exhaling. “I’ll talk to Olga about this…  But you need supplies right now, if I do understand you correctly?”

Tesla, once again faced with a somewhat unexpected reaction, only nodded with some hesitance.

“Then maybe you should share Da Vinci’s laboratory for a while?” Ainz tried to smile, clearly imagining Da Vinci’s reaction. “Two scientists working toget…”

“No chance,” Tesla immediately expressed his disagreement with the idea, and then looked at his Master with a sharp look. “Absolutely out of the question.”

“Hmm?” Ainz blinked in confusion, “Why?

“The absolute discrepancy between our personal views, it would make us working closely an… aggravating affair at best.” Tesla nodded seriously.

“In what sense?” However, Ainz was not satisfied with Tesla's answer, seeking clarification.

Tesla thought about how he should answer for a second. His first impulse was, of course, to answer with the completely meaningless phrase that ‘we are just different’, but...

Hmm, Ainz had shown his willingness to help Tesla with his problems. And, although their relationship did not start on the best foot, Ainz had treated him with courtesy, and his actions had shown Tesla that he was sincere. Well that, or, he was an incomparable actor...

Tesla thought about his answer for a second more before exhaling and just going with the simplest explanation he could. “We simply strive for completely different goals.”

Squirming a little more on his bed, Tesla glanced at Ainz’s reaction to his answer. Seeing Ainz calm gaze, Tesla began expanding on his answer. “I have no doubt that together our genius would be unstoppable. But, sadly, our goals of experimentation and research are incompatible. My ultimate goal, no matter how some other manner of interesting experiments might distract me, is to improve the lives of mankind. Whether through the discovery of new laws of nature or the creation of wonderful devices matters not.” Tesla can’t help but puff his chest a bit at the declaration of his calling, no, mission.

“Da Vinci's goal on the other hand is the endless accumulation of knowledge for the sake of knowledge itself. Her goal is to reveal secrets and solve riddles, and more importantly the pleasure that she receives in the process. But, after she acquires this knowledge, this knowledge remains forever sealed in her head, as if it were her priceless treasure to be guarded behind sealed iron vaults. I regard knowledge as not a treasure in itself, but a free property of every person. She wants to solve all the riddles of this world for her own satisfaction, but I want to share my knowledge with this world. This is our difference. And that is why the two of us working together amicably would be impossible.”

“Hmm,” Whatever reaction Tesla expected Ainz to have to his impassioned speech, thoughtful silence was far down on his list.

Tesla studied Ainz carefully, trying to determine Ainz’s reaction to his words.

Of course, a little earlier, Ainz seemed to Tesla to be a very accommodating man - or whoever he really was. But, Tesla was not lying when he said that for the sake of human progress he would not be afraid to stand in front of the Creator himself. If his Master wanted to stop Tesla and his march of progress, then Tesla had nothing more to talk about with Ainz. And given the more than impressive set of Servants that his Master had, Tesla himself was not a critical person for the salvation of humanity.

So were his Master to be a hindrance to his dreams, the first thing he’ll do after this conversation, would be to go to the summoning system, remove himself from the local pseudo-Throne of Heroes, and de-summon himself. It will simply be that it is as if he was never summoned.

However, no such negative reaction showed in Ainz’s expression. There were no pursed corners of lips indicating how he felt about the enlightenment of mankind. Or even disagreement or distaste in sharing knowledge. A position held by so many magi and even Servants, locked in their own stories with a gaze directed to the past rather than the future.

But neither was there a joyful smile. Something which would indicate that Tesla has just found a loyal ally in his never-ending struggle for the progress of all mankind. It seems that his Master has a very excellent poker face.

“I see,” Ainz calmly concluded instead, he nodded before returning his attention to Tesla, “You speak as if you know Da Vinci well.” He added with some suspicion in his voice.

After these words, Tesla almost bit his tongue out of annoyance. A genius mind or not, but Tesla was never distinguished by a special sense of cunning.

For a few seconds, two people, Servant and Master, glared at each other before Tesla reluctantly replied with the truth. “I used a skill.”

Who could blame Tesla? Finding themselves in an unknown place, the first thing that any reasonable person wants to do is to assess the conditions in which he finds himself in, Tesla was simply more prepared for this than some other Servants. So, instead of communicating with other Servants or people to understand his situation, Tesla used his skill, Natural-born Genius, to acquire several relevant skills to ‘know’ his colleague.

Of the people present in his summoning, Da Vinci, Mordred, and even Jack could not escape his gaze, only Angrboda and Ainz could. And while not knowing how the previous’ mind works is not so detrimental, not knowing the latter is definitely a disadvantage. What’s worse, judging by the information he could gather, those two were not the only ones that could shield their mind from his gaze.

It is indeed a logical action, Tesla just wasn’t sure that Ainz would feel the same way.

Even if Tesla tells the truth that he could not find out anything about Ainz, his Master could well decide that Tesla was lying. Or he could even be angered at the very attempt to find out something about him secretly. People like Ainz had many skeletons in their closet, ones that they guard quite dearly, not to mention the fact that it was a proof of distrust.

While indeed, what Tesla did is not an action that is rare, there are as many personalities as there are Masters after all, but it is still far from an action that is approved of. Servants are tools in the end.

And nobody used a hammer that questions the action of the carpenter.

However, instead of reacting in any negative way, outwardly at least, Ainz simply nodded. “I suppose you didn’t get anything about me?”

"Yes," Tesla nodded, not particularly surprised that Ainz knew that Tesla couldn't see anything.

“I see,” Ainz just nodded before silently exhaling. They were doing a great pantomime of a drinking bird as they nodded again and again.

Tesla silently turned his gaze to Ainz, feeling an awkward silence slowly suffusing his room, like a kraken entangling everything with its tentacles.

“Tesla, do tell me,” Ainz spoke up, breaking the silence.  “Have you ever wondered what you will do after all this?”

“Ha, it's too early for me to even think about such a thing,” Tesla laughed lightly at the question. “I was just summoned only a couple of hours ago. Not to mention that it’s a bit premature don’t you think? Thinking of the future while Solomon is trying to destroy humanity?”

“Perhaps,” Ainz also calmly admitted Tesla’s point before taking a deep breath. “ It’s just that your speech earlier… It sounded like something that a person who has a purpose, a mission, something after this would say.”

“Hmm,” Tesla pondered before continuing on. “It is not a mission per se… Rather, it is more like a vocation for me. In the end, usually, after the crisis ends, either this Grand Order, or even a run-of-the-mill Holy Grail War, as paradoxical as that might sound, the Servants would return to the Throne of Heroes. They have no specific ‘plans’ for what they will do after - because that ‘after’ usually does not come for them. I also do not have specific ‘plans’ for what comes after, as in something like ‘I will give this research to this person, and this car to that one’. Doing research is just my desire, a source of ‘inspiration’, so to speak. The thing that I do not because I have a plan - but because... Hmm, because I am that kind of person… well, Servant, in this case.”

His last sentence sounded like a little joke, making Tesla himself chuckle.

“As far as I know, Chaldea is made in such a way that the Servants can stay indefinitely after being summoned,” Ainz sighed, and then looked at Tesla, “And yet. If we imagine that after all this is over - when the crisis is over, and the problems are solved, with everything being corrected... What's next?” Ainz finished with a sigh.

“Hm,”, - Tesla threw back his head, looking at the ceiling. When Tesla was planning to ask his Master for a lab, he definitely didn’t expect an existential question thrown his way. He wondered what part triggered such a discussion on Ainz’s part?

But, what's next, ha...

Reflections about the future, for almost everybody, are pretty much the same. A lot of doubts, few decisions. For the first time in his existence as a Servant, Tesla thought about his future.

If, when all this is resolved, when his services are no longer required, what will he do? If Tesla wanted to help humanity, it would be logical to do just that. He would probably...

“Probably, I would go to travel the world”, - Tesla answered, narrowing his eyes, imagining that far off future. “I would like to see how the world has changed in this century, during the era of electricity. I would like to travel to Serbia, back to my birthplace... Although, I believe Smiljan is now part of Croatia? Hmm, these national boundaries always just complicate things…”

Tesla smiled at his contradiction. He wanted to help people - but the first thing he’s going to do is travel the world… Though he supposes, if he wanted to help people, he first needs to understand them. So his plan was still in line with his ideals.

“Then Graz, I want to see how my alma mater has changed,” Tesla chuckled again, - “Then London. In tribute to the Singularity... Prague, specifically Prague University, I would like to see how teaching has changed over the years. Paris… Visit the Continental Company, my old place of work. Besides, there was a wonderful World Exhibition there once. Strasbourg, to see the railway station there. And then - New York…  How funny it would be to see your own laboratory as a visitor, to listen to what the guides talk about you as they tour museums filled with your stuff. Then, maybe, Colorado Springs, was it not for nothing that I worked there?”

Tesla inhaled slowly and exhaled… continuing on soon after.

“I would like to see the world. To see how modern electric lights light up, how people improve what I started... I would like to see what they have achieved... And what, no.” Tesla suddenly stopped, nodded, - “And then I would start to research. I would like to take a look at how the world has changed - and how it can still change. I would enroll in absentia at some university in some part of the world. I would study what people have discovered after my passing, in full detail. I would start working then, maybe even send my works to universities and prominent, hmm, scientists. It would be funny at least.” Tesla chuckled.

“Travel the world and then experiment.” Tesla smiled at his imagined laboratory, filled to the brim with experiments and objects of wonder. “It sounds like a dream. To look at the wonders of science, at the triumph of reason. To marvel at the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva - and the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze. To see the greatest work of man like the Palm Islands in the UAE and the Akashi Kaikyo bridge in Japan, maybe even take a train ride under the English Channel. And, who knows, the influence of Chaldea is great - take a visit to the ISS?”

Tesla smiled as his imagination ran wild, feeling his heartbeat run faster as he imagined what sights he would see.

“I would like to help people, but at the same time I would like to look at what they have achieved themselves, with their own hands.” Tesla nodded slowly, - “Between a loving parent showing the way - and a monster suffocating in his arms - there is a line that cannot be crossed. It would be foolish to be so blind.”

After his impassioned words, Tesla was finally able to emerge from his fantasies and look at Ainz, looking at him blankly. “What would you do?”

“Hm?” Ainz blinked as if he was lost in his own thoughts, “What do you mean?”

“What will you do after everything is resolved?” Tesla looked at Ainz, waiting for an answer.

“I…” Ainz looked down, “I don’t know… Probably… Traveling… that sounds good.”

“Of course,” Tesla grinned, somewhat pleased that his Master somewhat shared his dreams.  “I don't know where you came from - but in this world there are many wonders to see. You might not want to visit the places I wanted to, but there is something for everyone, Mankind has created too many amazing things to pass life by without appreciating them. The city of glamour Hollywood, the towering Eiffel Tower in the city of lights, even the antiquity of ancient Roman aqueducts, or perhaps the modernity of roller coasters. The world is too big and amazing to just ignore it.”

"Ha..." Instead of being excited by Tesla’s speech, Ainz looked down at his feet and then fell silent.

Tesla also fell silent, looking thoughtfully into the void, somewhere ahead, on a distant day, where he would pass along the horizon, looking at the distant lights of cities…

“Thanks,” Ainz got up from his seat and then nodded at the daydreaming Tesla - “I will ask about the laboratory and the instruments.”

“Okay, that would really help me.” Tesla responded, looking at Ainz, who is making his way to the door, “And Master…”

Ainz stopped, turning his face to Tesla.

“Maybe you can even help with some of my experiments?” Tesla chuckled, forcing Ainz to chuckle weakly in return before leaving the room, leaving Tesla behind.


Walking along the empty Chaldea, Ainz doesn’t really care where he was going, lost in his thoughts.

Travel the world… Ha…

Ainz chuckled.

It would be interesting to visit the cities, the metropolis, he only ever read about in history books...

Paris, with the Eiffel Tower still piercing the clouds proudly, before it fell as the city was turned into slag and ashes by a nuclear bomb.

New York, alive and bustling as the city that never sleeps, and not the ghost town it is in his time, devastated by pollution and nuclear fallout.

Moscow with those big red towers, without the hastily erected bunkers and giant settlements splotched across the city haphazardly like a demented maze.

Even Tokyo...

What did Tokyo look like before the mega-corporation took over what remains?

What did Barcelona look like, when it is still part of Spain, before the civil war?

How do the minarets of Hagia Sophia, whose in his time left only in the description on the pages of books, look like?

And the Egyptian pyramids. A wonder of the world that survived even a nuclear cataclysm...

So many cultures and wonders have disappeared during this time. So many vistas that he had only heard of, and how many more that he never even knew about?

Ainz chuckled again.

Or maybe he could visit a particular city... Probably, in this period it might only be a small town...

The Sakata town, in the Yamagata Prefecture, of the Tohoku Region...

He wonders if he will find the streets he once walked on?

Ainz smiled at the silly thought, feeling his double-edged skill rise from the depths of his soul.

His Suppression of emotions.

What saved him so many times… but he couldn’t imagine having it activated at all times. He wonders what kind of existence that would be like.

Before that, Ainz too had once refused its function. When he wanted to feel anger, hatred… for various reasons.

Now, once more, he dismissed this skill.

He didn't want the only feeling he felt in full measure being rage. For the first time in such a long time, Ainz smiled sincerely, thinking about the big, big world that awaited him.


Name: Nikola Tesla

Race: Human

Title: Modern Prometheus

Occupation: Servant of Ainz Ooal Gown

Residence: Chaldea, Tesla's laboratory (temp.)

Karma: +200 (Good)

Racial Level: -

Class level: Electromancer (15)

Mage Hunter (5)

Godslayer (5)

Archer (1)

Others (20)

Total: 46 Class Levels = 46 Levels

HP: 40

Mana: 60

Physical Attack: 20

Physical Defense: 0

Agility: 40

Magic Attack: 0

Magic Defense: 40

Resistance: 20

Special Abilities: 100

Ability: Keuranos System

Level: Special

A special level ability, one of the few without a specific level. The strongest lightning and electricity attack available to players, capable of piercing through even a top tier player’s defense equipped even with protective gear specialized against electrical damage. In all cases, only players with full immunity to electricity, or other owners of ‘special’ abilities, can be used to defend against this ability. In all other cases, the chance of successfully limiting its damage is slim.

Player comments:

-WHAT?!!!!?!???!??? HOW DID YOU GET THE GODSLAYER CLASS, FUCKER?!?!?!?!? !!!?!?! ????!?!?!? I FARMED FOR TWO YEARS AND DIDN'T GET IT?! ??! ???!? !!!!?!? PIECE OF SHITSCUM!!!!!!!

- [This user has been blocked for issuing threats. Moderator's comment: Not the most creative curses I've seen in my life, it's even a pity to ban you, it's that uninspired. But I'll do it, don’t threaten other people.]

-Guys, I understand, here everyone is just going fucking crazy with all the godslayer thing, but no one wants to ask themselves - how is the build built? Well, hell knows why did he even bother getting the godslayer class?! HIS MAIN IS A FUCKING ARCHER! ARCHER, MOTHERFUCKING ARCHER! WHAT FOR? WHYYYYYYYYY????

-This post was left in support of NO_PHYS_DEF_GANG! Our stupidity is our greatest defense!


Humberto de Jesús Domínguez Landeros

I loved the chapter. To read words of hope from Tesla, of wonder and encouragement is really great, and depicts perfectly the mind of the genius whose only dream was to help humanity. I just have one question: given the fact that you stated that you will update the stories on a weekly basis, do you have to do it on specific days? Or just any random day every week? Whatever the answer, I will keep waiting the updates with expectation and receive them with happiness. May God/life/universe fills you and your family with blessings


Thank you for your words - and the answer is - I update my fic fastest as I can, so I usually have no specific schedule I follow


Quite an interesting chapter. It was due to the fact that Tesla speak to help humanity by making things better for everyone and talking about the present places. Yet the question is: How would he react if he ever see the timeline Ainz came from? A timeline where humanity twisted Tesla’s and others’ ideals into something so horrific, the dystopia that Ainz came from.


Ah, player comments. How I missed you so.


what a nice chapter, full of hope.... Time for the next one to make Ainz suffer his choices in life. Also of course NO_PHYS_DEF_GANG would have someone with the godslayer class, you have to be truly busted to be able to go around with no physical deff at all.