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Genshiro Saji did not live the best life one could imagine. He was not born into a family of multibillionaires, was not a great athlete and had a fairly humble, if realistic, view on his own intellectual capabilities. But Genshiro was not unhappy.

His parents had died in a traffic incident, but despite all the pain this event brought him, Genshiro did not become a misanthrope, hating the world for the unfairness of it. Because, even with the loss of his parents, Genshiro's life still has many bright spots, like his younger brother Gengo, his little sister Kaho, and his grandfather Sato.

A grandfather who had taken the three children into his care and ensured they had a good childhood even in such horrifying circumstances. The old pensioner, long retired, returned to work again to provide for the three kids. And Saji, aware of how much the work had taken a toll on his grandfather, as soon as he reached the minimum possible age, started helping his grandfather by doing odd jobs like handing out flyers.

And, for a time, all is well.

Unfortunately, the world seemed determined to turn Genshiro Saji's life into hell, and no matter how hard he fought back, the world had far more opportunities to influence Saji than an ordinary high school student had to do the opposite.

Sato Saji, who gave his years of life working hard, first to his children, Saji's parents, and then to his grandchildren, had just passed away, trying to provide for the children to the very end. He had missed the onset of a heart attack, or more likely ignored it so that he would not burden his three charges. However it had happened, the trio of Genshiro children were now alone again.

And as if that wasn’t bad enough, Saji had no other relatives, his other grandparents had long died of natural causes. So, this time, other than the dire prospect of being the sole provider for his siblings, Saji also faced the threat of being forced into the orphanage system, which was much worse, along with his younger brother and sister.

The very threat of being forced away from everything he knows frightened Saji, but not so much that Saji absolutely could not bear it. However, the idea that his younger siblings might be forced to separate from him… That, that, was unbearable enough that he would sell his own soul to avert such a fate.

So Saji, wiping away his tears over his departed grandfather, pulled himself together, and taking advantage of the usual government ineptitude, decided to act in that brief moment when he could still achieve a successful outcome for his entire family.

Only by a strange coincidence, at the very moment when Saji desperately needed a way out of the current situation, he was also lucky enough to accidentally overhear rumors about a new student at Kuoh Academy. The older brother of the infamous Hyoudou Issei, who arrived from Kyoto and, more important to Saji, an emancipated child, giving him a status as an adult.

If Saji himself could be emancipated… Wouldn't that mean the government would be required to leave his siblings with him as their only remaining adult relative?

At least Saji had no better ideas, and even if the target was Issei's older brother, Saji was ready to go to any lengths to learn his secret and go through the legal procedure himself. Under the current conditions, Saji was ready to make a deal with a Devil, what's Kuoh's most famous pervert's relative when compared to that?

Unfortunately or not, however, Saji did not get an answer to the question he asked, ‘how do I achieve emancipation’, but got an answer to a question he didn't even think to ask, namely, ‘does magic exist?’. Though the latter could probably explain the first thing.

As it turned out, yes, magic exists.

Genshiro Saji had never asked himself such a question, after all, he had absolutely no time for it. With his time spent on part-time jobs, caring for his younger siblings, and worrying about being separated from his only remaining family, Saji had no time for the occult all his life. However, despite this, the answer brought by Satoru about the existence of magic had given Saji something that could solve his problems.

After all, if Satoru was a mage, some other kind of paranormal being, or just some kind of magician that had learned magic…

Couldn't he solve all of Saji's problems with a snap of his fingers?

Of course, Saji also understood perfectly well that trying to pester a paranormal being, or just someone with powers that he could not understand, and force him to do anything for him. Saji was just an ordinary high-schooler who completely lacked any paranormal abilities and was even deprived of any help from adults, and could only turn into yet another disaster for him. And despite many anime or light novels saying otherwise, he did not possess any special powers, his right hand, for example, was perfectly normal, and did not contain some sealed being or other.

But Saji was already willing to sell his life for a solution that was basically nothing more than a pie in the sky. Having something solid that could keep his family together? Saji would do anything for it.

Therefore, he was ecstatic when Satoru still agreed to help him with his problem and deal with the troubles facing his family.

However, when Satoru had left without saying anything more specific than ‘I will take care of your affairs’, Saji quickly became worried again. What if Satoru had simply lied to Saji and wasn't actually going to help him? Or maybe he even lied to him in another way and didn't know exactly how he could help him?

After all, although the information that paranormal abilities existed could be incredible for Saji himself, perhaps Satoru was a small fry among the paranormal community? Or maybe the government was well aware of his abilities and Satoru was just as much an ordinary citizen in the eyes of the latter as Saji himself?

In the end, Satoru was getting an education at a public school, not an elite closed educational institution of his own kind. At least that’s how it goes in the anime that he had watched in the brief free time he had. Saji simply didn’t know what he didn’t know to make any reasonable deduction about anything.

For several days, Saji was immersed in paranoid doubts, and anxiety. Forced himself to, every day, take his younger sibling to kindergarten and then go to school while pretending that nothing is wrong. He would then return home each time with a heavy heart, looking at the front door of his house, his grandfather's house, wary and afraid of every movement beyond it. Trying to determine if a government car was standing at his doorstep every time he left the house.

Was today the day that he would be separated from his siblings?

However, apparently, Saji had almost worried himself sick for nothing, he shouldn’t have doubted Satoru. One Saturday evening, Saji suddenly heard a knock at the door, and upon opening it, he was met with Mr. Johan, the principal of Kuoh Academy. To say that he was confused by the surprise visit was underselling it. The panic about the government finally finding out about his situation instantly left his mind when, entering the house, Mr. Johan asked one simple question.

Has Satoru already talked to him?

And so a conversation that flowed from one thing to another ensued. In addition to the information that Saji and his family were officially ‘adopted’ by the principal, and that they no longer needed to worry about money, within reasonable limits.

Saji himself and his younger sister were currently listening to a small impromptu lecture from the principal himself.

"…the main thing you should remember is not to attract attention. For the most part, the inhabitants of the paranormal world are no worse in personality than the inhabitants of the mundane world, but they are immeasurably more influential and powerful. When the boundaries of the ‘possible’ begin to blur, the boundaries of the ‘permissible’ begin to blur alongside it…"

As if to emphasize his words that he was going to say were sensitive, Johan glanced pointedly at Kaho, who was carefully listening to the lecture. Clearly, the principal was still somewhat uncomfortable with the decision to allow a middle school student into such a sensitive subject. After all, Johan did not allow Saji's younger brother, a preschooler, to sit in, quite reasonably pointing out the problem that he could accidentally, out of childish stupidity, blurt out sensitive information to his friends in kindergarten.

But Saji still defended Kaho's right to know about the current situation in which the Genshiro family found themselves. After all, Saji was sure that he would sooner misunderstand or break the rules than Kaho, and he was the one that’s supposed to be the responsible one.

After their parents died, Kaho seemed to have grown a dozen years more mature and became probably the most reliable person in Genshiro's sphere. The middle-schooler does not hesitate to periodically scold even her older brother and give him tasks as if she were the mother or older sister in this family, looking after her two stupider, younger brothers.

Therefore, Genshiro was not at all worried as he looked at Kaho, who was seriously nodding her head following Johan's explanation. If she seriously decided to follow the instructions given to her, and she definitely is going to, then Genshiro did not doubt her abilities to keep a secret for a second.

And seeing that Saji was not making any move to shoo his sister away, Johan, his step-father now he supposes, simply sighed before continuing his explanation.

"The paranormal world rarely intersects with the non-paranormal world, as ordinary people can rarely offer something that can even slightly interest the paranormal world. But if you attract their attention and try to butt in to the paranormal world’s workings? I'm afraid only the gods know what kind of problems you might encounter." After a second of silence, Johan, realizing that he had painted an extremely negative picture for those who were already involved in the affairs of the paranormal world, coughed slightly into his fist, as he hastened to supplement his thought.

"Of course, if the paranormal world only has disadvantages and no positives, there would not be so many self-taught magicians, Devils summoners and zealous priests who communicate with angels in the world. No, the paranormal world, in theory, is capable of giving incredible opportunities like magic, immortality, divine miracles… The question is to find the right patron for yourself, and to find the right approach to it. So, in that regard, you, and I too, were very lucky to catch Satoru's eye."

Hearing his Senpai name being uttered in the middle of Johan’s explanation of finding a good patron shocked Saji.

"Satoru?" Genshiro sincerely tried to fit Johan's entire long, and very important, lecture into his head, but it had been going on for almost two hours without a break, so naturally his concentration began to gradually dissipate. And so, the mention of his senpai, Satoru, whose acquaintance had led him into the paranormal world, and had solved all of his problems, made Saji begin sharply paying attention to Johan's words again.

"By the way, I never found out, who exactly is Satoru?"

Asking the rather, in hindsight, thoughtless question, Kaho could only facepalm at her brother’s stupidity.

"If it's not a secret, of course, and we can know about it," Kaho once again showed her maturity over her, nominally speaking, older brother and supplemented his ill-considered question, having already grasped the main danger of her new position. She then cast a gimlet glance at Genshiro himself that made him swallow and prepare for a dogeza.

"Hmm, about that…" Johan pondered Saji's question for a second, unsure if he should answer.


Apparently, Satoru did not particularly hide his nature? At least Johan himself never received instructions, including after talking with Kalawarner, to keep Satoru's nature a secret, moreover, at the moment he was talking to probable future agents of Satoru himself. On the other hand, Satoru also did not seek to reveal his nature to Johan, and therefore Johan himself should carefully choose his words right now.

"Satoru is a god. One of the gods, at least," Johan reasoned that such basic information was in any case known to all of Satoru's acquaintances. "An extremely powerful and influential one."

All gods were powerful and influential, so Johan's words could be regarded as an indication that he was actually able to manipulate an entire faction of the Fallen, or just a simple indication of his nature. It was nothing too revealing, and basic information that is easily found out, so Johan wasn’t revealing any secret information.

However, seeing the effect on the Genshiro siblings, as they froze, and noticeably turning pale, perhaps Johan had become too inured to the paranormal world.

After all, in the mundanes’ perception, there was definitely a difference between a simple mage and a bona fide god. Moreover, Saji himself, having learned about Satoru's nature, was terrified when he recalled just how he had casually approached and most impudently demanded help from a god…

"Ah, ahem, in what sense is he a god?" Kaho, however, quickly recovered from such news and moved on to the practical part of the problem. "Like a kami of some Shinto shrine? Or the god of a religion…"

"More the latter than the former, but I can't state it unequivocally," Johan himself did not know exactly what kind of god Satoru was. But there were few spirits in the world so powerful that they were actually equal to gods, and most of them were located in places of ancient power or were associated with ancient relics. But then does it matter how they gained their Divinity and power, if they could smite you like an ant either way?

Even if there really was some place under this city whose spirit was so powerful, it would definitely have shown signs of its existence much earlier, such entities were not born in the few years that the Devils controlled Kuoh.

"As for the religion to which Satoru himself belongs to… That I do not know for certain," Johan pondered the matter for a moment, but found no clue to answer the question. There were many religions in the world and hundreds, if not hundreds of thousands of gods.

Every tribe of antiquity had created a dozen of their own gods. And although most of them died out, or at least went into eternal sleep in their pocket worlds culling their numbers greatly, it was still difficult to try to determine Satoru's true identity.

Of course, the very fact of His confrontation with the Devils and his dominion over the Fallen Angels definitely gave Johan some clues. But where it led was simply too ridiculous for him to seriously consider it. As far as Johan himself knew, the Biblical God was in Heaven and controlled the [Heaven’s System], and therefore he could be practically removed from the accounts and from the list of possible options.

And during the conversation with Kalawarner, Johan was so nervous that he never asked this question. A conversation that determined his value as a potential pawn, or be discarded, was definitely not the time and place to ask questions.

On the other hand…

Pensive in thought after revealing the divine nature of Satoru, Johan looked over at the shocked faces of Genshiro and Kaho, trying to parse the best way to word his response.

"Hmm, thinking about it…" He continued after a brief pause. "I believe we can visit the church of fallen angels and inquire directly, I doubt they would refuse to disclose this information at the moment. After all, isn't a church a place where people learn about God?"

Johan's rhetorical, and almost joking, answer hung in the air as the two Genshiro Children contemplated his proposition. Visiting a church controlled by the Fallen Angels to inquire about a mysterious deity controlling their faction was a bold and potentially risky move. But Johan had a glimmer of hope, it may shed light on Satoru's enigmatic identity. It would further his ability to be useful to Satoru, after all. And if he has to perhaps take advantage of some kids’ naivety over just how little they understand about the paranormal world?

Well, he did already say to them to be careful about the inhabitants of the paranormal world, and Johan himself was part of it after all.

The kids looked at each other apprehensively, processing the gravity of the suggestion.


Meanwhile across town, the Greater Doppelgänger known as Pandora's Actor, currently disguised as Issei Hyoudou, was finishing up his reconnaissance of Kuoh. Using [Message], he relayed his already expected report to Demiurge, before transforming back from his Nishikienrai form to resume the persona of Issei.

Descending from a low rooftop into a secluded alley, he then seamlessly blended into the passing crowds, effortlessly mimicking their mannerisms.

When Pandora's Actor first arrived in the human world, it was quite logical for him to interpret this new mission as a test from the Lord of Forty-One Supreme Beings, his Father, Lord Momonga. After all, an entirely new world was opening up before him, filled with unknown entities, abilities, and personalities, what else could it be but a trial for Pandora's Actor himself?

One that he plans to complete with perfection as there is no other possibility, a task that he puts his all to complete.

Of course, any misstep could cost Pandora's Actor his life, a comparatively small price for his transgression, but far worse than that, it could jeopardize the plans of the Father!

In no way, under any circumstances, could Pandora's Actor allow such a thing!

Therefore, upon taking on the form of Issei Hyoudou and returning to the human world, Pandora's Actor was focused intently on completing his mission. His perception told him that venturing into the human realm was akin to entering a battlefield, where he needed to constantly monitor his surroundings. Not only could powerful beings with unknown abilities potentially discern his true nature, but the humans themselves might expose him if he made the slightest error or deviated from his role!

However, as he later discovered, his concerns were somewhat unfounded.

Humans paid virtually no attention to each other.

Humans were astonishingly petty, each of them constantly stressed about ‘what will others think of me’ to the extent that they refrained from judging others. Of course, there were limits to this, if Pandora's Actor assumed his true form and strutted down the main street, he would certainly attract attention.

But even then, there were a remarkable number of ‘escape routes’ for him to restore the social status quo. Reasons ranging from ‘cosplay’ to ‘hallucination’ or ‘government experiments’ could be used to explain his appearance. Humans were an amazingly trivial race whose capacity for gathering information was vastly outweighed by their ability to devalue said information and engage in self-deception.

What recently seemed to Issei like the grandest test of his abilities as an Actor, turned out to be nothing more than a fight against paper tigers, an adversary that was threatening only in his own imagination.

Pandora’s Actor hardly needed to behave in any particular way to maintain his disguise. Humans were so adept at labeling each other that, once in school and assuming the label of Issei Hyoudou, he could easily conduct himself as what others expected. They wouldn't even give him a second look, or question his identity.

And with his ability to pick up surface thoughts, it was not something unique to the people of Kuoh Academy or even the identity of Issei Hyoudou itself. Every person, upon meeting another, instantly formed an impression of their new acquaintance, from reasons ranging from their favorite foods or even to the strength of their handshake.

It took him mere hours to fully embody the role of Issei Hyoudou among his closest friends and old acquaintances, even deceiving his family. If he could do something like that so easily, what chance does random encounters and strangers have of revealing his true identity?

Of course, these conditions made the Actor rejoice that his further actions could not endanger the Father's plan. But at the same time, they also eliminated the Actor's need to expend effort on maintaining his disguise, which in turn meant that the Actor required new entertainment or challenges to keep him from being bored.

For a time, this potential amusement came from observing the people around him. Most of them were utterly bland and uninteresting, but sometimes, Pandora’s Actor could find specimens that are intriguing to watch, such as Rias Gremory and her [Peerage]. Unfortunately, in following the Father's plan, this part of the Actor's entertainment in the human world had soon gone away.

No, of course, the Actor was prepared to behead anyone who so much as thought he would prioritize his own amusement over the Father's designs, however, the situation was such that Pandora's Actor was deprived of something interesting to watch. And if that was the case, the Actor was forced to seek out new diversions.

Surprisingly, though, the solution to this problem was suggested to him by Demiurge.

Of course, his surprise was not born of dislike, unlike with Sebas, Pandora's Actor saw no reason to be at odds with Demiurge, even if their [Karma] value differed considerably from each other's. Though, then again, it is still less than the [Karma] value difference between Sebas and Demiurge, so perhaps that was the reason for their mutual dislike. Moreover, they were equal in intellect, and both were on par with Albedo, so he even had fewer reasons to ignore his advice and recommendations.

Even if the thinking of Demiurge and the Actor worked a bit in different directions.

Demiurge was a master of tactics and strategy, a demon who prided himself on his demonic essence and a connoisseur of suffering, focused on perfecting the efficiency of resource acquisition and inflicting pain. While Pandora’s Actor was a Greater Doppelgänger, a being whose essence implied constantly taking on various other forms, a collector more interested in aesthetics and breadth of collection than direct efficiency.

However, computers appealed to them both, albeit for different reasons.

Demiurge saw computers as an amazing tool for influencing humanity in all its manifestations. And of course, he also saw this possibility, but unlike Demiurge, who immediately began studying programming and investing, the Actor found a different use for the tool.

Most of the cultural, educational and entertainment content in the modern world was consumed using technological inventions, Pandora’s Actor could easily predict that in the future, the computer would be the lynch pin to many of such activities. Especially the quickly expanding, both in functionality and breadth, ‘Internet’.

The global network, the Internet, connected not only the world’s financial institutions, but also the people with the global media. The lack of need to create physical media and their logistics turned the promotion of one's own point of view. The problem of ‘how to make a person go to the right place and buy our newspaper’ into ‘how to embed advertising on this site’.

After all, it was logical for Demiurge to not pay such a thing any particular attention, he did not trust the abilities of humans, as weakness and stupidity were their main traits. The Demon instead focuses on more avenues to extract what value they can offer.

But in this stupidity, in addition to danger, therein also lies opportunity. If this opportunity did not exist, would the Father establish contact with the inhabitants of this world, those same weak, and pathetic humans?

Once His Son had already descended into this world in order to bring the people to the Father, and had achieved significant success in this, creating a massive religion. However, He could not completely finish this mission.

In this case, Pandora's Actor, as the same Son as he, only needed to raise the same banner again.

It was worth starting that Pandora’s Actor needed to only just start with a small platform. With the nascent rise of the Internet, there were still many avenues left unexplored, that one day could grow into a massive, unchallengeable monopoly. The possibilities alone…

It only required finding a small platform.

Checking the date in the corner of the computer screen, counting April two thousand and five, Pandora's Actor peered closely at the screen before his attention was drawn to an idea that made him smile with all possible teeth, expanding his mouth into a grotesque semblance of a smile.

Three founders who decided to create a small platform for video sharing…

A moment later, Pandora's Actor used [Message].

"Albedo? I think we simply must buy out this, hmm, start-up… This youtube…"


Demiurge set aside his tools and took a step back, as he took a complete look at the throne presented before him, as he thoughtfully raised a finger to his chin, examining his creation critically.

Demiurge was not a holder of classes predisposing him to creating items, however what Demiurge created were also not considered ‘items’ as such.

If the question was about creating weapons, magic enchantments, or even consumables, then Demiurge's abilities here did not differ much from the abilities of first-level maids.

After all, Demiurge had zero levels in all tasks related to creating full-fledged equipment.

However, what was right before Demiurge's eyes could be classified as nothing more than a ‘furniture’ or ‘statuette’.

In other words, [Decoration], and therefore Demiurge had an unrivaled advantage over any other master in all of Nazarick, if not the world.

Yggdrasil was primarily focused on efficiency, only high-level craftsmen could use high-level materials and enchantments with their full effectiveness, a chair, or statue could only interest Players if it could be turned into some kind of trap or golem. As for aesthetic preferences or useless creations like chairs or paintings, if they did not represent combat value, then any player could afford to construct them according to their desires for as much as they want, without even expanding much [Data Crystals].

Of course, until the final design and create the item at least.

The shitty devs would not let go of any chance to get their grubby hands of nickel and diming their captive Players away. Even just changing the cosmetic looks of items, customizing the interior decoration of guild bases demanded the expenditure of certain resources to create the most detailed types.

However, in the end, there were no skills or classes responsible for creating cosmetic items. After all, even in a game completely built on the freedom of player action, an extremely small number of people would actually decide to spend their game as a high-level ‘furniture maker’.

Therefore, all players were on an equal footing regarding the creation of such ‘minor’ [Decorations]. Therefore, having moved to the new world, Demiurge, in whose character description Ulbert had written all his ideas about the type of ‘evil genius’ Demiurge was supposed to be, had made him gain true mastery as an artist and creator of all kinds and forms of arts.

For example, his current, and newest creation.

The most accurate definition of Demiurge's creation was a ‘throne’, but it could not be called a ‘throne’ either from the point of view of objectivity, or from the point of view of Demiurge himself.

From the point of view of objective reality, the multitude of bones, fitted to each other, and bleached to perfect purity, whose sides were covered with careful engraving of biblical litanies and sayings, turned such a throne into a work of art. Perhaps terrifying, but still of the highest quality of art pieces, one of those that rich people buy for millions of dollars at closed auctions or pompously display in their museum collections.

From the point of view of Demiurge himself, the throne standing before him was nothing more than a ‘chair’. Those things on which one could have a conversation or rest after a successfully executed work for the glory of the Forty-One Supreme Beings, but not at all the grand throne that he hoped to provide to Lord Momonga as his personal compliment and proof of his zealous study of the Holy Scriptures of Lord Momonga.

The materials provided to Demiurge were the bodies from the experiments that had served their purpose a little earlier. For example, one of the legs of the throne had been from one of the captured demons and yokai who were selected to determine how small a part of the target's body was acceptable for summoning a full-fledged undead. Another from his experiments to find out how separated limbs works during his experiments with healing magic.

Therefore, they could not truly be called top-level materials.

However, this did not mean that Demiurge could automatically dismiss his self-rebuke, and simply blame the materials for not wanting to take a form worthy of Lord Momonga. No, Demiurge had to grow beyond himself with all his might, develop and acquire the perfect mastery of a creator as Lord Momonga had pre-ordained him to be.

That was why Demiurge pursued such perfection in all his affairs and endeavors, for example, in terms of obtaining information about the current world.

It is not surprising that Lord Momonga, returning to this world after many centuries, needed information about what happened in this world in his absence. And therefore, Demiurge did not allow himself to miss even an iota of knowledge that only captured opponents could provide.

Mind control, memory reading, charm magic, torture, Demiurge used all of the possible ways of obtaining information. Returning the mutilated and screaming pieces of meat, which the paranormal beings captured by Nazarick now were, to their original state only to conduct a new round of interrogation was nothing more than routine. All the while he would record every spoken word through an army of his subordinates in the prepared records.

In the end, when the captured demons and youkai’s mind finally broke down, Demiurge did not kill them, but used their mind and flesh to continue the experiments. One was dismembered for experiments with necromancy, another was subjected to incessant torture to test healing abilities, and another was given for the amusement of Demiurge's subordinates or other inhabitants of Nazarick.

Being a good boss to his subordinates was one of the Commandments that Lord Momonga had placed after all.

One of the captured youkai, however, escaped such a fate. Instantly bowing before Shalltear, he earned the right to life, according to the writings of the Son of Lord Momonga and the disciples of His Son, such a thing was to be allowed. However, that did not mean that Demiurge did not repeatedly make sure of his loyalty. He had prepared more than a dozen backup plans in case it ever occurred to him to foolishly turn away from the saving light of the Lord.

The ideal – that is what the Demiurge pursued in each of his actions, and if the ideal was not achievable, it only meant that the Demiurge had to work harder ten times more persistently.

Wasn't that the meaning of his name?

A cautionary name, given to him by Lord Ulbert, the imperfect architect of the perfect plan of the All-Loving Father, who in his pride and madness dared to imagine himself equal to the Creator and attribute His creation to himself. The first and last, the only warning given to himself from his Creator, his name, Demiurge.

Demiurge had to remember the lesson, to embody it into his every being, to never allow his pride to prevail over him and to think himself equal to the Supreme Beings. He must never forget his imperfections and follow the Lord's plan as a diligent tool, not a proud creator.

And therefore, although the mind and mercy of the Creator was not something Demiurge could fully comprehend, he had no right to stop trying to strive for knowledge and for the realization of Lord Momonga's plan.

The coming Apocalypse had to be prepared down to every possible smallest detail, to become not a mindless destruction, but a preparation for His Kingdom Come. Every part of the plan had to be perfect, the world's financial assets taken under control, the demonic aristocrat destroyed and the faction of the Fallen Ones directed in the right direction.

Each of the actions had to have meaning, to be a part of a larger picture.

And although the Demiurge could never fully understand its greatness, he only needed to know and understand that it existed. And that he, Demiurge, himself was only a part of it, an executor, nothing more.

That is the meaning behind his name.

And that is why he could not allow a single mistake, neither with a worthy throne for Lord Momonga…

Nor with the preparation of sending his agents to Europe.

For even if some of the Fallen were worthy of repentance according to the actions of Lord Momonga, not all of them deserved it. And their faction had to be taken under tight control…

Meanwhile, hasn't it come time to make the first contact with those who still remain loyal to their Lord?

Judging by how courteous Lord Momonga was towards the Angels, the danger of their fall into sin was not zero at all. Not to mention that they were definitely earlier creations of His, and therefore could commit the highest sin of heresy, non-recognition of their Creator… This too was something that Demiurge needed to prepare for.

If the angels again join the ranks of his faithful followers, then Demiurge, as a faithful instrument of the will of the Lord, will accept them as sisters and brothers of Nazarick.

If not…

The one who spoke that the four Horsemen would walk the earth and gather their bloody harvest did not say that all the angels would survive in the Final Hour.


Súper hibrid

Saji and the director are good teammates


I didn't like this chapter very much. Too much focus on a character which I believe is less than important.