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I hope you enjoyed the rough cut and deleted scenes videos. If you haven't watched them yet, check the previous posts! 

Now… on to business! These graphics are the titles I plan to use in the Adobe Premiere 1.0 video. I had to prefabricate them because Premiere 1 has no titling capabilities. There's more below:

If you're holding out for the full episode, do not scroll past the photos. There's a mini spoiler.

So, why am I showing these??? Because you're the only ones who get to see them. SPOILER ALERT: these graphics did not work in Premiere; they caused numerous issues in the episode. Despite converting them into PICT files, they failed to load (still don't know why). So they didn't make the final cut (sad face).

So I wanted to share them with you! The full episode comes out on Thursday at 3:00 PM CST (UTC-6).

Also… I've been tossing around this "road pizza" term lately. If you're curious, that's the nickname for QuickTime's original video format, "Apple Video". Road pizza is roadkill—it's highly compressed! The Apple Video codec was also identified by the 4-character road RPZA in the Mac OS. The more you know! 

P.S. I learned that stuff from the Comments section. I learn a lot from ya'll. ; )



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