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I've posted an update in my DA page https://www.deviantart.com/xptzart/journal/This-page-will-be-deleted-in-April-2th-read-plz-954764108 but I owe a detailed extra explanation to my patrons.

Since last year, I've been working on two IRL jobs which takes me a giant time and energy. But even that, I still dream and dream of having my own game company. GiantessRun v1.2 is overdue af, I know. But things are going to change.

Regards of being highly tired, I had a lot of opportunities, and finally now I have the courage to start pursuing my ultimate goal. In fact, GiantessRun was a playground for it, about how to use Itch.io, how to set DLCs, my own personal library of codes, tested and tested and tested.

I don't want to link my NSFW artworks to my future SFW place, it's a personal choice, even if others say "it's okay". DeviantArt ain't the place for the artwork I do anymore, once I had 7 artworks deleted at the same time.

I want to create games that everyone can play. I always wanted to create games since the first time I played Sonic 2 on a Sega Genesis, and then Metal Slug on an 25-cent arcade. Ecchi-like? Maybe. I have even flowcharts and private wikis for those projects I wrote at work. And that's what I'm gonna do for my next step. Fly higher like an eagle.

This Patreon page won't be deleted and I'll still have the FurAffinity page, where I'll upload my commissioned artworks in the speed I can do, and obviously the GiantessRun update, but once everything is complete, my FurAffinity can be kept as a museum, maybe.

Maybe when things are set, I can share my new place to my patrons, the ones I can , as I'll do with my closest Discord friends.

I've been thinking about it since last year, it's hard to make that decision, and I think it's the right moment to do so. Over 11 years. It's time for greater heights like an eagle. It ain't a "goodbye", it's a "so long, my friends". I'll be still on Discord for a while, and on FurAffinity and, of course, here.

Thanks everyone who went with me during all the years. ❤


Louis J. Eugenio Jr.

If that's your decision, I totally respect it. I wish you the best of luck.

Ash Coursey (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-12 10:12:43 I don't know but how are you going to get more subs to this Patreon if you stop uploading to your art acounts?
2023-03-29 02:42:22


My plan is to still have this page and my FA account for the commissions and pending things I owe. My focus will be to work on SFW non-fetish (maybe ecchi) artworks and games with another account.