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Thanks everyone who game me feedback after downloading the test version https://www.patreon.com/posts/giantessrun-test-49321255 

Just more 48 hours before the first beta launch (first for all Special Offer tier patrons, then for all patrons), this is the last update before the final artworks. Basically the code is finally stable. which means all I need to do is to add the final artworks and sound.

It's the last post I'll make on Patreon before launching the first beta version of the game.

  • The main title now has 6 different artworks, which are loaded randomically.

  • All levels are finally being loaded on runtime and on separated folders, which means I can launch future updates with multiple characters/routes on single files (like <30MB files), and you don't need to download a new "heavier" 200MB+ executable every time.
  • The game now has a "pause" menu, where you can leave the level (it doesn't save your status tho).
  • GUI changes: an arrow shows where are you when you're above the camera. It also has a timer.
  • A title card appears for 2 seconds when entering the game (like "Angel Island Zone Act 1"); this title card is also created on runtime.

  • Camera moves more slowly; there's a difficult system for every character, which sets the initial movement speed.
  • Lots of bugfixes (specially with camera).

What's missing for the beta version?

  • Audio
  • The main caracter's animation... basically artwork.

Which means... we're really close for the first beta version.

Also... what about artworks and characters? Well, this is the "level select card" for the character who'll be avaliable on the first beta:

Just imagine her paw above you once you lose the game... hehehehe.
