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Haruhi2 101112timer

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Thanks for the reaction- I really like that bit in ep 12! p.s no idea what Tanaguchi is on about either. The sign on the taxi says 'empty car' (lit) or rather, it means - 'Taxi free'. The first kanji looks only ever so slightly like the Ai (love) kanji - (空vs愛 ) I dont see how he'd mistake it.


Something struck me again in this ep- the bit where Kyon holds his hand out from his perspective- there are lots of bits in this anime where rather than from a camera we are seeing from Kyon's first person perspective- even hearing him talk or think while we are seeing through his eyes. Can anyone name another anime that does that? I cant think of any off hand. And I dont mean does it just once, but regularly.


Been waiting for this, woop!