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I have been silent this week because I am knee deep in a loooong ass work week at my day job and I am doing a lot of work on a commission which should be done later this week. I want to touch base on a few things with all of youse guys in the meantime though. 

First order of business. It sounds like the reception for 'Mini'ge a Trois is overwhelmingly positive. I am glad I decided to go the route I did and break it into chunks, and spread the work over a longer time period. I was pushing myself too hard to get too much done in such a small time period and the extra time has helped immensely. I'll have a new chapter up in a few days. I posted a rough draft a while back that showed a lot of it completed, but I had decided to nuke pretty much the entire second half of it. Part of the reason I chose to break it up as I did was to give me more time to work on it so I can give each section the attention it deserved. In the original draft I was pushing myself really hard to just wrap it up. As such the dude went from two feet to two inches in like two paragraphs. It was way too rushed both in terms of the speed of shrinking and in terms of the attention given to the story. I hated how hasty and sloppy it felt so I scrapped it and am redoing it. I'm enjoying exploring the size ranges in macro/micro stuff that aren't often seen. (namely the one to two foot range.) It seems like most stories skip that phase and go straight to tiny. 

Other issues I was hoping to address and maybe get some feedback is how I handle updates and such. I basically give an update when stuff is ready, but given how I tend to do several projects at once that means I'll go silent for a bit and then drop a few things at once. I was curious what people like to see. What people like to hear. I am still playing this mostly by ear and trying to feel things out. I'm always interested in suggestions and the like. Like do you folk like hearing regular updates during the lulls? I'll occasionally share rough drafts when I am working on something. Are there people out there who enjoy seeing these or would you rather all just wait for the finished product? 

And before I forget, I have a few other upcoming works I wanted to mention. One of the things I have been working on this past week is a sort of collaborative effort with another artist. The next chapter of Big Changes should be ready soon, so you fans of hyper cocks will be in for a treat, and I am thinking of doing another micro themed short story as well. This story will not be near as in depths or as lengthy as 'Mini'ge, but it should be fun. I still need to hammer out a lot of details on how I want the story to play out. Maybe diverge from the current model of the last three where it was done as playful fun in the bedroom. My Little Guy, 'Mini'ge, and The Little Spoon all play out in that same manner. Maybe I'll do  something along the lines of someone shrinks and they get taken in by a friend or something. That has potential to run really long though, and I need to find something short and cute. The objective here is to make another micro short story to round out the line-up for a micro themed anthology. The plan is for this new story to be released only to Patreon followers at first, but be bundled with 'Mini', My Little Guy, and The Little Spoon as an anthology for ebook release. 

I'm sure there's something I'm forgetting. Let's just say I have a lot of active projects right now and am looking forward to finishing some so you all can see them. Aside from the aforementioned shrinking works and the Big Changes chapter, I also have some outlines for another dick shrinking story. I know I have heard a lot of requests for another of those, and it has been a while so that's my next project once the shrinking anthology is complete, and that anthology will be wrapped up once I finish this commission. So it's one of those domino effect things. 

In the meantime I'll be writing away and planning out more stories. I do need to get better at managing how much time  I sink into each project though. I have resolved to spend more time on my non-smut related writing because I really do need to finish my sci-fi novel. As great as it is being able to churn out stories with such a wide array of ideas, it has always been my dream to be a published novelist, and I really do have a good shot at achieving that dream in the not too distant future... Hmm.. maybe I should make regular updates on here as I finish new chapters of that. Would anyone be interested in that or should I keep my kink writing separated from my non-kink stuff?


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