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Hey. My internet's back. Awesome. So I haven't just sitting back vegging out this past week. I have been hard at work writing during what little bit of downtime my day job affords me. I've got a few fics finished, and I'll be posting em steadily over the next few days. (editing and formatting to html is time consuming and I don't have that much time per night to spend on it. Also I don't want to just spam everyone with it all at once.) 

First off I have a fic I have been toying with for a while. I have poked at it off and on for months. It's fairly experimental, but those who are fans of the humiliation fics I have done might enjoy it. A bit of a heads up. There's some kids in this story. They aren't involved in anything overtly sexual, but I felt worth mentioning because I know some people get a little weirded out at even the vaguest shotadelic undertones. The focus of the story is on Kevin who is settling in to enjoy what he thinks is going to be an easy weekend, but ends up finding himself subject to the whims of his capricious charge when the kid he's looking after accidentally discovers his "little secret"

Read if on Tumblr: http://theradicalscrivener.tumblr.com/post/123623479874/are-you-smaller-than-a-third-grader

As for the next few stories. I have a few commissioned fics that are done, but I am still waiting on word from the commissioners. Some of those fics may never get posted publicly. Some commissioners prefer it that way, and that's fine. I enjoy posting stuff when I can, but I won't post anything until the commissioner gives their express permission. 

For those who aren't too keen on the whole SPH bent of the recent update I have good news. I should have the next Geno-Type ready tomorrow for more Hyper donged fun and then after that I have a brand new Macro themed fic. 


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