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I've been quiet lately, so I'll go ahead and get everyone up to speed. The short version is I had to leave town to go deal with some family stuff. I'll be heading back home on the fourth, but until then it'll be near impossible for me to upload anything. There's a couple of reasons for that. First of all, my aunt and uncle's place, where I am staying, does not have wifi. This is a bit of an inconvenience since my tablet doesn't have an ethernet port. Wi-Fi is the only way I can use it online. Add onto that I have already used like 95% of my mobile data for the month so even my phone can only really be used in wi-fi areas. 

Some good news though. I did finally find my charger for my tablet so I can charge that sucker up and finally get it working. Unfortunately windows is kinda a pain in the ass with their proprietary nonsense and so Surface does not play nice with Dropbox. I can download stuff from dropbox, but I can't save stuff back onto dropbox. It's a minor irritance, but still a pain and considering that doing any real writing on a tablet is already a pain in the ass, writing has been slow going. Not to mention I can only really do any writing if no one is around which those moments are few and far between with so many people around. Still, I'll pluck away at it and hopefully have some stuff to post when I get back next week. 

Now to sort of go onto coming events. The next series story I want to do is add another chapter to Above Average. The most recent chapter was a very short little lead in and it was more of a teaser for what's to come than a real chapter. I had hoped to have the next chapter up and ready in time for the next MetaBods update, but with all going on, I won't be able to make it. Even without all the family stuff and the road trip I doubt I would have showed it off this week anyway because this is a scene I have wanted to get to for a while and I want to take my time on it and make sure it comes out right. 



Where have you been? I am just a little worried.


Sorry. I made an update about it. The past 2 months have been hell.


I am glad you are ok. Please get to feeling better.