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No its not Cancelled, no i have not forgotten.

I recently got a message from a patron asking about Orc Tamer, Expressing some disappointment that there hasn't been much going on with this project. the same could be said for many of projects I want to get done. Well you're right. Its my fault. I haven't been managing my time as well as I could be.  A lot of people may think that because we do this for a living that I must live in my moms basement, single, alone, and without much responsibility. the truth is I balance this, a band, a relationship, and a family. all pulling my attention in many directions.

But i know no one gives a shit lol, "boo hoo Onagi, shut up and give us our porn!"  and that its not really an excuse. This month I'm making an effort to get my shit together and set a better pace for work. including Orc Tamer, Skyrift, and outstanding commissions

As for Orc Tamer there's not much i can do at this very moment. But once next month hits i will send out the first piece for Oolay to voice over. depending on how it goes i can then predict a release date or start pushing it out in pieces.

In the mean time if anyone wants to help smooth the process, those $5 pledges go a long way for us. Either way, this is happening. Thanks to all our patrons.




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