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Hello everyone I'm just making this as a new pinned post to help new members find their way around. Here We'll answer two of the most frequently asked questions. So I don't have to keep spamming you all with frequent DMS.

What is DFAC theater and where do I find the password?

The theater is a separate website that hosts all of our video content which you can find HERE. It's intended as a place where you can watch everything, not really for downloads although you can download some of them. the reason for this is a bandwidth limitation. The password can be found if you click on the (Membership) tab on our main page, and it's listed there in the welcome note.

Where do I download content then? 

Content can be downloaded through mega links on posts titled CONTENT DIRECTORY to find them just search "Directory" on our posts page. The Directories are tier specific so make sure to find the one in your tier to get access to everything.

As usual, thank you for your support, and ENJOY!




Can you send a dm of the password to the site?