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Hey folks, Bellum here! 

I wanted to touch on the current status of the comic as well as some other things.

Months back i posted a poll for Hall of Alfheims' release model, the choices were "page by page"....or.... "issue by issue".

It was close, but the "issue by issue" release came out on top. 

Unfortunately, i'm going to have to overturn that community request and start releasing it "page by page". 

If i stayed the course... it wouldn't be posted till something like December or early 2018. Thats being optimistic, i just don't have as much time as i wished to work on it.

So in short....you wont see Hall of Alfheim as a full issue later on....but...

You will start seeing it posted sooner, page by page. 

Okay now on some other topics....


Welp, i took quite a nasty hit personally, having to lean alot more on commissions more to pay the bills.  Basically why i cant reasonably go on the issue release model for my current comic project.  

Money= time.....the time granted to work on projects here.


You'll be seeing more of them! :D


 There are just two commissions i owe, they'll be finished very soon.

When they are, i'll make an open call for more here if anyone is interested. 


Helping Onagi with a few pages to be release soon, keep an eye out for that!

Thats all for now.




I'm glad to hear that the Chloe X Yatsu commission i'd ask & payed for is finally almost done!


Looking forward to seeing more Skyrift :D