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Okay I was going to keep all this to myself and hope our partner ship would end quietly but DarkCrow has seen fit to throw that out the window. Since some people are suggesting that i make a stand for myself here it is.


Although I have worked for them before this, DC negotiated a contract with me which began back in November. I have been working steadily for them for 6 months. The arrangement was that I would prioritize their projects over DFAC, make an announcement that I would do so, and that he would pay me $1500 for December and January, then $2000 a month, for every month after that. 

In those 6 months I worked on 5 projects, 4 of which were completed and approved on BY HIM, so i don't know why hes acting like I took their money and rendered no services. I have the DMX files to back this up.

the only project not completed, was the most recent one, which i offered to finish up before resigning, but he as much told me to fuck off. so when someone asks why their commission isn't done?????

The customer he's quoting in his rant,about taking months to finish an animation is Calysto Insanity, who commissioned me for 2 five minute futa animations.  both of which are done by the way, the one they were upset about was delayed CAUSE I WAS WORKING FOR STUDIO FOW! lol the only thing missing from that project at the time was sound. this was last year.



both of which as you can see are done....no scam there...yes these things take me a while. maybe I could be a faster animator, I do what i can.

NOW the real reason why i quit! I appreciate the opportunity given to me by studioFOW and the paycheck from their patrons.  However...DC is just a jerk, over the time I've communicated with him, he has on several occasions insulted ME and my work, and I put up with it until I couldn't any more. what am i talking about?...here's a quote.

" This isn't some webm to post to rule34hentai , this is a movie that millions of people are going to watch, so start acting like a fucking professional for once. "

shit like this was a common occurrence happened on multiple occasions when he wasn't happy what i was doing. so i decided to part ways giving him my two week notice...

 "Professional...okay, ill be as professional as I can.

Consider this a two week notice. You have paid me to work through this month, so I will keep working on this project until May 31st, after which I will go back to working for DFAC full time again. It is apparent to me that my work standard and speed are not up to StudioFOW standards, that there are faster more capable animators who could do the job. I appreciate the paychecks and opportunity you have given me, But I will be happy to go back to making my own content, the things I enjoy, for the loyal patrons that I already have. Thanks.

To be clear I am not resigning because of the project, the money, or the deadlines. I'm am quitting because on several occasions you have insulted me and my work, and then asked ME to be more professional. I'm sure your intent was to inspire me to work harder, and faster. but it has cultivated the exact opposite response. It simply makes me angry and miss the days when i didn't to answer to anyone."

I will look over you notes, make changes and do all I can by May 31st.

his response.

 Angry? You feel "angry"? How the fuck do you think I feel then, you moron?

We've paid you almost $10,000 so far this year, happily gave you time off to see your sick father, didn't say a word to our Patrons when they were wondering what the FUCK you were doing all this time with their money, defended you in public and now you've got the balls to talk shit? You've completed one 60 second raffle (Lisa) and then a bunch of half assed clips. Do you think that's $10,000 value? You absolute swindler, if you had any shred of honor you'd pay back everything I've paid you. But you won't do that will you, because you were using FOW all along to get you out of the financial hole you put yourself in back in December. So now you got your cash, you split like the fucking rat you are.

Get bent, you're the most unprofessional and disappointing person I've worked with in the 4 years that I've been doing this - and that's saying something.  I've removed you from BOX and all corresponding services, don't even bother finishing the DMX.


so lets talk about what he said here..." We've paid you almost $10,000 " yes that is true but if you remember what i said earlier about the pay arrangement you'll notice i was suppose to be paid $11,000 by May...this is because he kept paying me $1500 a month until i asked about it in march...he was not happy that I called him out on it. for which i received another angry email.

 defended you in public and now you've got the balls to talk shit? ...when? what are you talking about...and there was no shit talking from me...you saw the email.

 happily gave you time off to see your sick father,  What time off...i told him and everyone i was going to visit...and during that time i was still working...if what he says was true and i was not working, that means i what?...got 4 and a half projects done in 3 months?????????? i'm not that fast.

 You've completed one 60 second raffle (Lisa) and then a bunch of half assed clips.   Iv'e done more work that that and i can prove it. 

  you were using FOW all along to get you out of the financial hole you put yourself in back in December. So now you got your cash, you split like the fucking rat you are.  What financial hole??? i'm not in the clear from anything. i still need money. and i would have happily continued working for him. I did not bother replying to this email. 

Attached are screenshots of the projects iv'e worked on for FOW. Now I'm sure his response will be that my work is crap, but four out of five of those projects were finished and approved on by HIM. The issue here may be that i'm not good enough or fast enough, okay i guess. but i don't believe that because you pay someone you get to be an asshole to them. This kind of management style may work for their team, and may win them their success. good for them. but that doesn't mean i have to put up with it. so i wont. i'm sure they'll find another animator to do what i do, or better. good luck to them. 

But the fact of the matter is I did what i was paid to do until I felt like it wasn't in my best interest anymore. 

I am not the only one in this community to leave their employment for this exact reason and he knows it. I can name 3 other people off the pop of my head, i make 4. This is the last and only post i will make about this because i think the qoutes and my body of work speak for themselves. I'm just happy to get back to working on my own projects again. Thank you to all that support DFAC and even the Patrons of StudioFOW.



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