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FREE Reaction since this will not be edited down to YouTube & it's kind of a different vibe than usual reactions imo.  Kind of a slow burn with this one.  Not to mention I got interrupted half way through it 🥲 ..but I'm glad I checked this out & got this VERY necessary information.  Can't wait to get back to the more polished version of the show in Ep 2!  HYPED!!!!  



you can die twice, it just takes specific circumstances and/or weaponry (I.E. the extermination by the angels). In any other case you will just kind of, exist in limbo till you "remanifest" your physical being back into hell

The Gaming Morgana

When the body dies the soul is judged. So if you are a POS. You come back in hell.. . The execitioners use angelic weapons that can kill at a soul level. No soul. No respawn