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--------live postponed to Wednesday or Thursday-------

Ciao Miei Patreon

 ieri ho passato una domenica in montagna, dove ho trovato le prime castagne, nonostante la stagione sia indietro di circa 3 settimane. 

Aspetto i vostri consigli per la diretta di Martedì mattina ore 9 su questo canale e su Yotube, su come si possono utilizzare  in cucina le castagne e gli altri prodotti autunnali del bosco .


Hello My Patreon yesterday I spent a Sunday in the mountains, where I found the first chestnuts, despite the fact that the season is about 3 weeks late. 

I await your advice for the live broadcast on Tuesday morning at 9 on this channel and on Yotube; I am waiting for your advice on how chestnuts and other autumn forest products can be used in the kitchen.


WAITING LIVE TOMORROW Castagne e prodotti del bosco autunnale

Due to an impediment, the live broadcast WILL NOT BE THERE Tuesday but we recover it WEDNESDAY or THURSDAY Aspetto i vostri consigli per la diretta di Martedì mattina ore 9, su come si possono utilizzare in cucina le castagne e gli altri prodotti autunnali del bosco °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° I await your advice for the live broadcast on Tuesday morning at 9, on how chestnuts and other autumn products from the forest can be used in the kitchen



Hello everyone unfortunately due to an impediment the live broadcast scheduled for today (TUESDAY) will not be available, but we will recover it WEDNESDAY or THURSDAY.


Whoa! Chestnuts ... Mmm ... They usually make flour, as well as jam from them, but not only that. Many different chestnut dishes can be made, such as chestnut pie