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Ciao a tutti miei patreon, come vi avevo accennato qualche tempo fa, questo mese ho deciso di donare una piccola parte dei vostri contributi ad un'altra associazione. Tramite questa beneficenza aiutiamo questi volontari a ripulire mari e spiagge dalla plastica! Vorrei sostenere ogni mese una diversa associazione, anche tramite il vostro aiuto. Segnalatemi quindi se conoscete qualche valida associazione di volontariato da far conoscere e sostenere, magari anche piccole realtà della vostra zona. Ciao a tutti e domani per i GRANDI CUCULI il video completo sarà online.


Hello to all my patreon, as I mentioned some time ago, this month I decided to donate a small part of your contributions to another association. Through this charity we help these volunteers to clean up seas and beaches from plastic! I would like to support a different association every month, including through your help. So, let me know if you know any valid volunteer association to be known and supported, maybe even small businesses in your area. Hello everyone and tomorrow for the BIG CUCKOO the complete video will be online.




Brava così si fa!! Onorato di aver contribuito


Another excellent choice,I would hope more people would contribute time or money as well. For your consideration for the next contribution might I suggest a local animal rescue home whether it is for dogs, cats or horses. my wife and I have dealt with a couple of these places, providing transportation to relocate dogs who were abandon to new families who wanted them, and I know that these places are always looking for contributions to help cover costs for food and vet bills.