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We really enjoyed our watchalong of the UNDER17 concert DVD together, Family Club! We definitely didn't shed a few tears, nope! Why would that ever happen? We hope that maybe you can now understand why Momoi and music is so important to us as well! 💕

As for the next F A M I L I A + stream in December, like we mentioned during the stream, it'll likely be within the next 2 weeks or so near the beginning of December! We'll let you know soon! Is there anything you'd like to do together for the holidays? 🎄 Let us know!

Let's end our 2023 on a strong note and have lots of fun together!! 💙❤️ Thank you for spending today with us!




いろいろトラブルがあって少し遅れちゃったけど、一緒に観させてもらったよ〜!ありがと〜! すてきな音楽に出会った後ってどうしてこんなに幸せな気持ちになれるんだろう? 一曲一曲感想を語りたいくらい+アルファで後がたりもしちゃいたいくらい感じたことがあったし、何より楽しい時間でした🫶🏻💕 さいごにめーっちゃすてきなアリサリの歌も聴けて言葉に出来ないくらいうれしかったよ❣️ 最初はふらっと訪れたこの場所だったけど、ここに辿り着けてよかった。。。!


I finally have the time to watch the vod. I didnt have the dvd on hand but I can hear your passion and love for momoi and aniki and can only imagine how beautiful the performance must be. Thank you for sharing such a precious moment with us.I hope to hear more about your love for the idol world and look forward to all the fun and happy times with you and familia.