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Hi Family Club! Somehow it’s already the middle of June!! We hope that you’ve been able to stay cool for most of it! 🧊

We’ve been thinking about the Family Club this whole time while we try our best to adjust our schedule! We were really disappointed that we weren’t able to do anything together in May, but unfortunately we really just can’t squeeze anything into our schedule for this month again. 😭 If we could, we really really would… At this point, it’s a battle between our minds and physical body! There is sadly a limit to what we can do and right now we are more than eye to eye with that limit… 💦

We would however like to set July’s Family Club stream date for July 15th at 6pm PT, so please mark it into your calendar! We’re looking forward to it!! ✨ If you have any suggestions for things you’d like to us to do, please let us know! Simple ideas would be most appreciated (the more complicated things will have to be saved for the future)!

Thank you so much for understanding, and please continue to cheer lots for us during this crazy time for us! 💓

EDIT: We thought we should mention it, but if the lack of progress or updates here is upsetting you, please feel free to take a pause from the Family Club here! You should never feel pressure to support us. We’re doing our absolute best with our current situation, but we know that it’s not physically possible for us to do anything more than what we’re doing right now. It’s frustrating for us too, but please feel free to come back at a later time! Thank you! ✨


patch Linda

I'll save the date! Maybe you could do GeoGuesser and we can see how many far corners of Japan you recognize. I'd also love to learn to cook a special dish or meal with you. And I agree with the Familia that chatting would be great too. I don't want to spoil you with too many options though since our time is limited. Even from last month's post it was apparent your careers needed more focus. I understand your regret at not being able to do more. Hang in there! I'm more than happy to be here now and I'll see you at next month's stream!


It’s good to hear from you again! Please don’t feel too bad about it. Life gets busy and we understand. Just remember to take care of yourselves too. I know you’ll always do your best and there are times where you have to push yourselves but try to not push yourselves too much. I’m rooting for you! I know you’re doing great things. The reunion will be that much sweeter.


こんにちは! 来月配信してくれるのが分かっただけで十分嬉しいです! 時間がないのは二人がそれだけ頑張ってるということだと思います。 僕はそんな二人の頑張り屋なところが大好きでかっこいいな、自分もこうなりたいなと思うので、こうやって二人が頑張ってることが分かって、もっと二人が大好きになりました! 今は大変な時期かもしれませんが、二人はそれに負けない強さを持ってると信じています。 本当は配信したいけどできなくて歯がゆい思いもあると思いますが、まずは二人が大切だと思うことに時間を使ってください。 そうすることで二人が元気になってくれたら、二人の笑顔がもっとたくさん見れて、family clubのみんなも嬉しくてwin-win になると思います! まだ大変な時期が続くと思いますが、自分たちの強さを信じて(たまには休みながら笑)全力で突き進んでいってください!💙❤️ 役に立つかわかりませんが、僕も応援していますよ!笑


Don't worry too much about it! Life get busy after all! And if it helps you to destress, how about a comfy zatsu for next month?


Wishing Ally&Sally a Happy July💙💗




Yeah, I'll be honest, I had to take a bit of a break on June because my finances have been... rather poor recently, and Patreon subcriptions are very, very expensive in my country. I actually meant to re-subscribe last month, but I forgot about it because Patreon stopped sending me notifications while I was unsubscribed and there was no tweet about it, so I ended up missing your July stream, which made me very sad. You've been extremely busy, though, so that's completely understandable. See you later this month if everything goes well for you. You two are doing great.