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Ms. Bentley 02 (Poppin' Pin-Ups) (Ghetto Latina Version)

I'm quite proud of this one; it gives Porsha a completely different feel seeing her in this light. I added the tattoos, enlarged her breasts, gave her black claws, changed up her hairstyle, darkened her make-up and gave her some black under-garments. 

I hope you guys dig it. Fun Fact: this "Chola" look has been my Halloween costume for the past 3 years. 😝 I'm a huge fan of this look; thank u guys for picking it from the voting poll, I had a lot of fun working on it 4 you. 💜




Holy Fuck! Not what I expected at all! but I mean that in a very good way.😊 Just a fabulous job! Really cool to see such drastic alternative. I Love the tattoos, especially the one on her leg. There only a few things I would've done; first I would have the bandana colored red so it would be more noticable within her beautiful dark chola updo. I also would've altered her eyeshadow to red. The soles of shoes could also be red. Lastly I would've tried to illustrate a white dress shirt, unbuttoned or maybe have it tied around her waist. Overall this is very cool design, I'm a fan of the Chola fashion aesthetic, as long as the hair makes the biggest statement. Then again I can say that about most fashion aesthetics. 😁


Thank you so much! 😋 You make a good point about the red bandana, only problem is that the palette that I'm working with 4 this piece doesn't contain red. I stick to my palettes very closely. Purple is in there though; I could've used that. I did a version with a plaid dress shirt and it wasn't working. I did it half way and scrapped the idea because I was running out of time; keep in mind I only have 4Hours per Alternate Version. As soon as I start the clock its a race against time 2 add in details and change things around. These Alts are tough 2 do. 😅 Anyways, I'm glad you like it! 💜


For a second, I thought that headband was a tiara and this was a Dark Wonder Woman version ! Still sexy AF! :D


"Dark Wonder Woman", that would be quite interesting. What is the fascination people have with Wonder Woman? 🤔 Like, why is she so requested amongst Adult Art Commissioners?