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It was all a dream! This piece turned out quite nicely. I had said in the last WIP copy that I would do a clean version to accompany the OG Final version... I changed my mind! Instead I did a Bimbo Version. 😳

I had a last minute change of heart when it came to the overall lighting. I was gonna leave it darker. the idea was that they were walking through thick canopy that shut out all of the sunlight and the sky was really cloudy; almost like it was about to rain. It was really quite depressing. The mood didn't really fit the crazy visuals. So I went back in my reference collection and looked through some old Studio Ghibli backgrounds for assistance! Hence why it looks and feels so lush now. I hope u guys dig it.

I'll be doing a little poll next month asking ya'll to vote on Alternate Versions for this piece. Be on the lookout for that! 💜🍆






Hi LoLo; I'm so glad u like it! Yes; the Bimbo version just had to be made!