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There will definitile be a NSFW version for this one but i wanted to know if u'd like to see an alt version (say...bikini, playboy bunny suit, whatever) Sorry for the little disappearance. Been a busy week @@ i've been basivally just getting home to sleep xD I hope you dont mind i took the liberty to go with chronno trigger. This one really spoke to me since its a great game and has a special meaning C: Im actually thinking about playing it again X) Next week we'll be doing skull girls or valkyrie profile (another one of my favorites ever)




No problem being busy man. Also, really loving this :3 I need to get around to playing chrono trigger >.< As for an alt - I have to suggest the playboy bunny suit.


No worries man. As for alt costumes... Why not some sexy lingerie? =P


I'm trying to think what a prehistoric version of a bunny suit would look like. Some kind of dino bunny? XD