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Hey guys, I've got a cold, and it's knocking me on my butt.

It's not You know what. It's passing pretty fast but I'm taking a break today. I might art casually but, Rest will get me back on my feet faster. 

This is where I am with the current mini comic. Not a whole lot otherwise. Last page or so of inks and color and we've got a new mini comic for ya. THEN Wrap up comissions, Which I've been in contact with some of the last people on the list. And Then THE NEXT PREMIUM COMIC.

... now there's a fourth option. And honestly I KINDA love it. It's a reality change comic, but I'd rather not give too much away.



I hope you get better soon! Get some rest!


It’s an odd time where we have to specify that a sniffle and cough doesn’t mean risk of death. Stay safe, man.