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First of all I would like to say that I would have liked to make this publication on the first day of the month, but I would not have liked to make announcements without first presenting anything.

With the arrival of February which is one year since I started this adventure of staging stories through 3D programs and to which I can not not say: Thank you, Thank you all for your support, from those who were from the beginning to the newest, without you I would not be here. Sincerely thank you very much.

\(´▽`*)(*´▽`)/Thank you~


私が3Dプログラムを通じて物語を演出するこの冒険を始めてから1年、2月の到来とともに、私は言うことができない: 当初から応援してくださった方々、そして新しい仲間まで、皆さんのサポートがなければ私はここにいません。心から感謝します。

\(´▽`*)(*´▽`)/Thank you~


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