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[This post is related to our 2nd big announcement for 2023, showcasing the new art style coming to MA. If you missed that big announcement post, you can check it out in full below! Tons of art previews included!]

[Might wish to see how feedback has helped adjust the artstyle as well, we did a update post in July to show some changes made!]

If you're all caught up on the new style stuff going on for MA, then let's jump right into this!

Our preview today features Nathan! One of the protag's best buddies who accompanies him at the new academy setting they've found themselves in. He's a bit more reliable and serious than the protag's other buddy Joey, that's for sure!

(Images will be within the post, but it would be best to view them through the gallery feature at the start of this post, as you can enlarge those images.)

~Artist Credits: Lisa

Our direct comparison shows how the exact same expressions look between the old and new style, trying to give the best impression of exactly how the style changed things directly. You can't see it that well in this comparison, but adjustments to Nathan's body shading were done to fit with the more updated look of sprites done recently. (You can kind of see this when looking at his neck for the shading for example, but this is applied to his body as a whole.)

We also gave Nathan a much needed gym uniform, just like Joey and of course our protag would need one for when they're involved in gym activities. :P We don't showcase how Nathan looks in his gym uniform, but it's the exact same as Joey's. 

Next, expressions!

22 expressions for Nathan will be featured in-game! A few were lightly touched up to fit Nathan a bit better for his personality. One of these being his "shocked" expression and his "excited" expression have changed to fit a bit better.

We don't have a ton to share here today with this preview since all of his additions are added. ^^" But next week we'll be sharing how Garnet looks in the new style and that'll feature a few light comparisons that should be fun! 

What did you think? Does Nathan's update seem good? Bad, meh? :P



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