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It's a bit early as we're not fully done with her yet, but I'd like to share one of our final supporting characters for MA. Older fans from before v0.14 might recall the name "Sadie" during a gaming tournament, but we didn't have any visuals and she only came into the dialogue briefly.

Who is Sadie?

Sadie Isaacs is the gaming club leader and possibly friends with Bridget? We'll have to find out. :P But she's a bit of a interesting character, she prefers to be more of a shut-in and spent most of her time gaming instead. When she isn't gaming, she's browsing around online from her computer and seems to be pretty big into shitposting and trolling for fun, along with her love of memes.

When she is forced into spending time around other students, she's typically going on about internet lingo and seems a bit awkward to others because of this. But she already knows that most students and people around her are npc's, so she goes about her interactions in a very interesting way most of the time.

All I can really say besides this information, is that she's going to be pretty unique and it'll be very fun to write for her character. Not only will her supporting role for Bridget be interesting, but clearly we haven't seen a character quite like this before. I think when we see her casual outfit paired with her diaper design (More so with what's on the back of her diaper.) It'll be very fitting for her character and some might really enjoy her. On the flip side to liking her, there will probably be many who dislike her completely.

One important mention is that memes can be a very time sensitive thing and hit or miss among everyone, so keeping this in mind. I'm going to try my best to ensure what memes and internet lingo she uses are a bit mixed into the world setting of MA itself, hopefully shooting to make sure they can stand the test of time without being outdated a year from now or more, etc.

We'll share the finished previews for Sadie sometime this upcoming weekend possibly if she's ready.

Artist credit: Lisa




if she's not a classic /b/tard I'm gonna lose it


I think she's going to be a wild character to write her moments for. It's going to be fun trying to toss out internet lingo and memes, mentality to match her without them being outdated or lose their charm in time. :P