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[One vote per person! Use it wisely!]

If you missed the first poll, you can check it out below.

So our previous poll had plenty of discussion and votes weighing in on the topic about possibly introducing the concept of having pull-ups added into MA. Of course if we add them into the game, our biggest concern is making sure we add them in a fitting way that works with the world setting of the academy and also isn't seen as too complex by the rule book of the academy.

The other main important thing is making sure that if we add this, we want to do it in a way that benefits everyone. We don't want to upset anyone over it or feel like it's this massive change to the game that affects the already set in place interest of normal diapers by the fans.

I think we have some more concept ideas to role with and see what sounds good. Below are some note worthy mentions.

-Toggle on/off features to let players display normal diapers vs pull-ups seems like the go to easily solution for this sort of thing. Sadly as of right now we're struggling to pull this sort of feature off with even other visuals, let alone just this one. The main issue is that from our perspective with the engine handling, this is easier said than it is done. It would require a lot of work with every release and one toggle on/off option leading to another would only cause further complex problems with this concept. (Unless we find a better way of going about implementing this feature, we sadly have to rule this out for now.)

-The mention of making pull-ups being part of sporty activities. (i.e: Gym class periods, sporty club functions.) A example of a existing moment would be seeing Nova show up to kickboxing practice in episode 2 with a pull-up on under her gym bloomers instead of her normal diaper. This helps make sense of functionality of movement as I can only imagine kickboxing being harder in more bulky normal diapers vs pull-ups. This seems like a good balance where we could make sure that even a more sporty character like Nova isn't always seen in pull-ups, watching what events we lay out for her to keep her feeling balanced.

To add to the above, rules wise with the already existing setup of the academy story rules set. The use of pull-ups during gym class would be something easily monitored by a teacher before/after class, making sure students change back to their normal diapers afterwards for the rest of their day. For club sporty activities on the other hand, there isn't supervision, so we'd have to think on how to explain why students wouldn't just try to sneak it past staff/teachers.

-One thing to note with the whole pull-up debate is that, yes, this doesn't change the existing rules about potty use. Students don't gain access to the restrooms still, so if they do need to go potty badly enough. They'll be finding themselves using their pull-up, but ideally most students would try to hold out until their sporty activities to change back to normal diapers before using.

-One mention is that we could have pull-ups replace underwear for certain events, but this idea kind of goes against the academy story in place. The reason the academy allows underwear use on family holiday visit periods or academy events opened up to the public, is because the academy would rather have less risk with chances of panty sightings seen vs having eyebrows raised if outsiders took notice that more than one student had diapers peeking out, making them question what's going on.

-A mention about cloth diapers popped up and I'll just say that right now we'll keep it simple with normal diapers vs pull-ups, as this is already a topic that'll take some time in finding a middle ground or possibly things won't pan out to introduce pull-ups after all.

-Another mention gives us the idea of possibly making new characters wear pull-ups, which doesn't quite seem like it'd work out. I can think of two setups for this, one being "new characters" as in new students who show up at the academy, but realistically this would be the guy characters early on in the game. The other setup being "new characters" as in new characters introduced, supporting characters or side characters, etc. That is a little too late in development though, as we're about done with support characters added. (Just have 2-3 character sprites remaining to unveil.)

[With these mentions above in mind, let's get some more discussion going if we can for suggestions or ideas. Otherwise voting on some new choices below to see if maybe we've reached a middle ground that works for everyone or if it's not quite there yet.]


Chris Crom

On the last post for this i kinda just looked at the options and choose the one i liked the sound of most, and as everyone can see the comments have allowed it to start a round two and this time ive took it more seriously so i thought i would share my option to everyone. First the feature toggle, this would be nice for those that prefer pull-ups over normal diapers, sadly its not a feature i would use. ether looking at a girl in a diaper or wearing one myself i prefer the bulky diaper. Second sports activates. i think this idea is great, now as much as i would miss nova kicking in a think diaper. pull-ups are a lot more practical as they are smaller, not thick and more discreet allow better freedom of movement. as for using them, peeing isnt bad in a pull-up but I'd choose a normal diaper messes. Next is pull-ups replace underwear for certain events, i think this needs more merit then its given, now i understand normal underwear to avoid suspicion non students/parents/visitors. now i have a sort idea on this tho im not 100% sure im right so options would be welcome, now if we had a up skirt situation i believe that unless your very close to the girl im not sure you would be able to tell the difference between and panty shot and a pull-up shot. i say this because pull-ups are discreet, small, and barely noisy and as long as the pattern is only on the top of the pull-up the between the legs should just be white making it hard to tell unless more or less next to them. Now lets say a visitor did somehow notice all the students or at least quite a few are wearing diapers what would they do. well my first idea would be to drag my daughter to the principal's office and she what's going on and that would be the only mistake you would get to make as you wouldn't be leaving the office with your memory (naughty mysterious drugs) but you get the point. and most other situations could be solved the same way. now i don't know what runs this place if its a government experiment or a evil organization whether its getting access to these drugs or managing to keep the place a secret for more then 5 minutes i doubt its a principle to has a fetish for their students wearing diapers got to be something more. Overall i wouldn't see making them wear pull-ups in these times to be to much a problem, whether its drugs, security or even if its a drug that makes the visitors not realise they are wearing pull-ups. Forth is Cloth diapers, i would say these are more to punishments, a big cloth diaper and a onesie would be embarrassing walking around in and last is new students in pull-ups, the only way i can see this work is as a temporary until the personalised diapers are made for them. sorry for any missed spelling mistakes and let me know what people think.


I really like the idea of the students wearing pull-ups when practicing sport but maybe it could be a choice of the individual character rather than a rule. For example, I remember that in a previous version of the game (so I don't know if it's still cannon or not) Nova had some sort of humiliation fetish, so I think she would rather wear something more bulky.


I think putting the idea of the academy making them OPTIONAL for sports might work, as that way you can have some girls in them and some not at any given point, even during PE related events. This does also bring up the question of swim diapers as well; given the academy has custom diapers for each student, why not have swim diapers available if you've got a pool to protect, especially given there's students like Miki and Zoey who might just "go" (maybe generic ones to save cost?)


That's a good idea as well! Leaving it more up to choice of the student. I think this might be something that'll move onto the next polls on the topic to see if it seems fitting or cons against it, etc. Eyup! Nova seems to still have some sort of humiliation thing going on even still, we haven't seen it very clearly yet. :P But little hints during her intro and other little moments for her.


Similar to my mention above for Alexander's comment. (Since they're about the same thing) It seems like a likely possibility to go this route or run it by everyone. I think the only biggest concern with this idea for fans who prefer normal diapers would be just how often does X character pop up with pull-ups seen vs their normal diapers? (Probably leaning more on the rare sighting side of seeing characters in pull-ups, exceptions being maybe Nova or Juliet who have a bit more active club/sporty stuff at times.) I know with the whole mention of pull-ups being a topic and possibility of being added. Swim diapers seems logical as well at this point, but I guess my thoughts with swim diapers being pushed to the side would be with the idea that the swimming pool has it's own system in place already to catch anyone who decides to just "go" while swimming. (A little harsh) But it's something where students just have to be more mindful of going right before they get in the pool, before changing into their swimsuits. Of course if we removed the system already in place that helps explain away the whole swim diapers in the game currently and added swim diapers as their way to protect the pool/swimming stuff. We then have another problem where the swim team more so than others just swimming at times, wouldn't be able to swim as fast possibly? (I think of competitive swimming where they factor in everything that'd slow or affect their speed.) As of right now I don't want to really shut down the idea of swim diapers, but just to keep things simple for now. We'll want to first see if pull-ups being introduced to MA should happen, how and what feels right for all fans so it doesn't suddenly feel like pull-ups has taken over vs normal diapers of course. ^^" (Plus the possibility that we reach no solution and we decide it's best to keep things as they currently stand for MA.)

Chris Crom

Another idea for nova not being in pull-ups to often could be related to Brandon and her kink, lets say she wears pull-ups when she doesn't know that Brandon is coming to watch her train\ doing club stuff and wears a normal diaper when she does know he is. this could mix it up a bit, this way she chooses freedom of movement when he isn't there\ doesn't know he is coming. and then when she does kno she acts on her kink and chooses a thick diaper because she wants him to see her diaper and if she's wet it or not? which would turn her on ect. but i suppose you could also say she does it so Brandon notices her over the other girls. after all she has a lot of competition for his attention As for swim diaper would it be better for it mandatory for all students at all times or would it best being optional? problem is mandatory for all students would mean new sprites for all characters that swimming wasting the ones you already have. and the problem with optional would be that because the most students don't like to wear diapers they would more likely choose not to when swimming making optional sort-of pointless. But what if you look at it another way and say its mandatory for selected students? for instance Miki and other students like her have been wearing diapers for so long i personally would be worried sending them into a pool as they would be so conditioned into using diapers that i wonder if they would even know how to hold it anymore?


This is something that could be added onto stuff as a possibility. :P I guess the only thing that pops to mind with this idea, unless I'm misreading it right. If Nova does wear pull-ups during X events but then makes sure to wear normal diapers when Brandon is around, wouldn't that more or less be as if she isn't wearing pull-ups? ^^" (Least on screen wise, behind the scenes it could be hinted at or played up, but the idea of if it isn't being shown. Then would it really matter to mention it?) With the swim diaper mention, assuming we went with that idea and made it mandatory for all for swimming. Dev wise, yes it would require a bit more work on existing sprites, thanks to their swimsuits already and having to go in and manually erase the lower half of their swimsuit to be re-created again with swim diapers in mind under them. (I guess one can argue that adding pull-ups to sprites will also take time, but not quite in that fashion. Since pull-ups wouldn't really change much about the already existing clothing combinations in the sprite files, we could get away with having the pull-up as one layer and should work out well without any clothing adjustments. Meanwhile, if we did that for swim diapers, it wouldn't look right or clearly broken sprite wise to toss a layer on like that under the swimsuit layer, etc.) Yeah, I think the swim diapers being brought up right now is something to set aside for now. Just because it'd be trying to tackle a whole other concept idea when trying to see if the pull-ups ideas and discussion will reach a balanced, well received solution, or if we'll back out on the concept if it seems too dividing among the community. [I will add bonus points though and add this to my notes for possible swim diaper discussion/polls. That having swim diapers introduced purely for select students that the academy knows for a fact that they'd need them the most, seems fitting. It does kind of bend the system in place to a minor degree, but many students wouldn't even see it as a perk, but rather more like a punishment if they saw a student having to wear a swim diaper. (Just based on the idea that during most student's swimming times, it's seen as a nice little break out of their diapers for a while. Similar to when students go back to their dorm to hang out, they can take them off and relax without until they leave their dorm, but clearly at some point. Said student will still have to put them on when it's time to potty.)] Good suggestions and general thoughts!

Chris Crom

ah let me do a quick reword, it would depend on how the script is write. Nova goes to the locker room and change's, however nova doesn't know that Brandon is coming to watch/view so she decides to wear a pull-up to this session. Other would be. Nova goes to the locker room and changes, however today she knows Brandan is coming so she has to decide if which to wear. Show Brandon how good she is at her sport or if she wants Brandon to see her diaper - kink shame. i realise it wouldn't actually be written like this, more of a plan for a writer before they decide how they want to write it out. Hopefully that makes sense.