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I wanted to toss out a personal little message for those who are waiting on their oc background characters still to be made and added.

July managed to be full of new sprite outfits requested and our sprite artist is actually ready to tackle the oc background characters next. August should be a good month for seeing your character's rough sketch and confirming if things are good to move on, possibly getting many of the requests tackled in the month.

We currently have 3 requests that are confirmed, with details ready and the process for these are lined up. These will be tackled in order of when someone supported at the $25 tier, making sure those who have been waiting longest get their request done first to be fair.

I have I believe 1 or 2 other people who supported at $25 tier, but when trying to reach out in private messages on patreon. I have yet to hear back from these about details for their character or even a reply back, after at least 3 attempts. If you are one of these people, please reach out to me. (those of you who I've messaged off and on in the past few weeks or so are good. ^^ I have your details that were given to me and passed them along.)

Thank you all and I hope you'll enjoy your oc background characters being seen during August!


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