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2 days ago I had a car accident for the first time... I only hurt my right shoulder a little.

I was resting at my mother's house but now I'm back!

After thinking about my loved ones I couldn't help but think about my art and you guys...

I have never stopped to think that if I died, my characters would die with me and that would be artistically depressing.

Wait for more drawings of my OCs, there are so many things I want to draw and haven't done...

I need to be honest with you, lately I have been a bit lost in art, I want to draw more and better but that has made me slower... This accident helped me think better about myself and my work (besides my family, obviously)

This is me saying that I will draw anything, no matter how random it is, I just want to draw my characters <3

Don't worry, I'll keep drawing hot and lewd stuff <3




Hope you feel better!

Kurai Kokoro

Im glad your feeling better. My first car accident was scary, but I pulled through and did all the right things. Always excited to see your art and yes... All the lewds :) Best of luck and hope your day is excellent!

Gerall Kahla

Healing is important; thanks for sharing, and take care of yourself! Looking forward to seeing your future work - Cheers! ☕🍪

Akira Artz

Another great way for growth is to step out of a comfort zone. Be it different characters, art styles or scenarios, always seek to improve. Good luck on recovery, hope to see more in the future.