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Hello guys and gals!

Happy New Year's Eve for some, and Happy New Year for others, like I mentioned in my youtube post. :)

I wanted to repeat the sentiment that I hope everyone is safe and happy this holiday week/weekend, and for those who may not be, I hope it starts looking up soon and you find enough strength and positive things to occupy your mind with to get through until better times. Everyone is welcome in my DMs or Discord if there is anything you guys want to chat about, need support, or a distraction from whatever is going on in your lives. We are a friendly community, and I encourage everyone to take advantage of that! :)

I want to say a huge thank you for the support you guys have given me over the life of my channel and Patreon. I don't know if we would have been where we are if it wasn't for that. With you, I was able to grow as a channel, better the content, and venture into games I didn't think I ever would. I hope the new year brings new adventures, and more enjoyment I can bring to you guys in return. :)

So here is to you!

Thank you everyone for 2023. And here's to an even better 2024 for all of us :)


Star Fox

And thank you for delivering on your side. We may support, sure, but the channel wouldn't even be a thing without the content and its creator. I'm happy that you were able to venture into new games, sometimes out of your comfort zone but hey, that's were the good stuff is :D And that was sure fun to watch you occasionally struggle and jump through the roof haha Heck, starting to post videos on Youtube was probably already out of your comfort zone. I remember the shy LIera from the beginnings. All gone now... almost. Fortunately the essential remains, the love for games and for sharing your experience :) So here is back to you! I'm not one to present wishes when the time isn't there yet and I have still a few hours to go myself, so I'll keep that for later... In any case, yes, I certainly do hope that 2024 will be better for all of us. It certainly couldn't hurt!