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On the road for most of today - will work tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday to keep on track with the schedule! For reference, I'll also be off on Labor Day next Monday, so next week's artwork will be Tuesday through Saturday and the poll will have one winner. 

Have a good Thursday y'all 🙏


MM (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-23 00:19:43 Thanks for the update - Have a Great Holiday! <--- That goes for all that celebrate that follows Contingency The Great!!! (Respect)
2019-08-29 22:13:08 Thanks for the update - Have a Great Holiday! <--- That goes for all that celebrate that follows Contingency The Great!!! (Respect)

Thanks for the update - Have a Great Holiday! <--- That goes for all that celebrate that follows Contingency The Great!!! (Respect)