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Heyhey Scientists!

We've got something big coming your way today (and no its not just the massive sky and lighting update that also is big but you know ...) and that's the Sandbox V3 update. It features a metric shit ton of new characters, over 90 animations poses, a dynamic audio system for moans and much more. The current state of the Sandbox is deemed "Alpha" so it has most of the base systems ready, but still missing a few such as the orgasm system and contextual call-outs (voiced). Additionally a lot of the animations currently still need a bit of manual adjustment using the sandbox slider controls to look good.

The biggest point of the new sandbox update was that we wanted to enable you to play as anyone and that means you can take your player for a ride or if you want you can switch into the riders position. Or you play scenes without the player and Silica gets to ride Melody's Feeldo :3 Free Cam was also finally added so press C and jump out of first person to take a peek and fine-tune your animation pose to your liking using the sandbox controls!

Without further ado, lets take a look at how things work:

  • Open the Sandbox in any Exploration Section using the TAB key.

  • As with all UI Elements in our game, ensure you get used to toggle mouse cursors visibility using ALT regularly.

  • Opening the Sandbox will put you into “Free Cam” mode. You can switch between the Free Cam and the Player by pressing C.

  • Using the Sandbox UI, select an Animation.

  • Then Drag and Drop whoever you want to play with / as into the open Slots on the right hand of the Sandbox UI

  • Continue by pressing the small green flower or the hide UI icon, which will hide the Sandbox UI

    • Any of the Sandbox UI elements can individually be hidden, so you could only have the animation selection UI open, while the Character and Role slots UI stays hidden. Really nice to select through multiple animations with maximum screen space available.

  • After the UI is hidden that's the best time to start finding a good place to set your scene preview down. The animation is still static and will start animating the moment you hit F.

  • Try hitting F a bunch of times, you can see that you can pick up the animation and place it down repeatedly, so if you don't like the place you put it down, just pick it up and move it again.

  • While moving around you can rotate the animation using Q and E.

  • After you place your animation you should spend some time getting used to the sandbox sliders on the left side of the top bar of the gameplay HUD.

    • Speed increases or decreases the characters motion speed

    • Scale increases or decreases the characters motion scale

    • Offset helps with moving characters' hips into different distances to their partners genitals. This often is useful to fix awkward start positions and slightly broken IK motions.

    • Squash is a very unique type of slider. It takes the base motion and curves it more or less. So you can pump it up and down straight, or you rotate your character's hips while moving in one or the other direction. Go play around with it and be surprised by how much expression you can achieve by simply changing how one's hips move ;)

  • When you are happy with the settings for your animation and how the characters move, you can toggle different camera modes using C, 1 and 2 keys.

  • If you are in Free Cam mode, which you can toggle via pressing C, you can also TILT and ZOOM your camera. Tilt is done by holding the right mouse button down and dragging left or right. Zoom is done by using the mouse scroll wheel up and down.

  • Lastly: You can HIDE all UI elements by toggling H. The first toggle needs one extra activation of the button but then it will just work reliably.

Outside of the sandbox update, which is the main focus of this release, we worked on many small bugfixes and improvements across the board. From character navigation to ensuring the tutorial enemies don´t die, open doors that allow you to easier explore the world after completing the available story progression, performance improvements for the UI and sections of VLT ...

As usual: Keep the feedback coming, be active and help us shape this game into the best possible hentai 3D game we can create - together!

Thank you <3



  • Some areas of the world lack collision, so be careful when exploring or you just might drop to your death.

Sex Gameplay

  • Uncensored Version currently has a bug where the uncensored settings need to manually be reapplied once per game start. So simply start your game, escape, settings and toggle the uncensored state. Hotfix for this should be available within the next week!


  • You can still rotate characters using Q & E

  • No Lovense support in Sandbox (yet)

  • The start position of many animations needs manual fine tuning using the sliders to look good

  • Orgasm isn't working (yet)

  • Camera view sometimes feels very weird, moves awkwardly

  • It´s alpha, please give us lots of feedback <3




I love what you've done thus far, but is there any update for enabling VR? I joined the Patreon from day 1 because for one I love Melody, but 2nd the biggest selling point was the VR aspect. Even just being able to use it in Sandbox I feel would be good enough for now :)

colin eckert

Appears to be a bug where I can't proc the encounter with the corrupted


Hotfix for the interaction is out, currently combat mode still seems to have a bug, but you can progress up to blairs lab and the end of the story section (giving you a good save point to store for sandbox gameplay). Check the MEGA folder for version history <3


We can certainly do a test implementation for a camera mode at this point in time <3 It´s always been on our list of "when we have time AND Unreal Engine 5 has it stable enough to use". Last year was still a bit too early with Unreal 5´s core systems not being stable enough yet. But this year seems to be a good starting point :3


Just did a quick playthrough to see if there was anything new in the update and I think I found a bug with the interact almost at the end of the current build on the way to Blair where we need to walk toward the creepy person. I walk up to it and well nothing is happening even when I span "E" on it. A minor thing I noticed during the beginning the cutscene was very laggy, not sure if that was caused by well.. this being alpha or if it was caused by my PC or not


I also got stuck in the same area when replaying.


Looks like fixed the encounter bug, but found another bug second later where the charecter was tsking out the fist to start punching, but imidietly put them away and all I could do was just walk around getting hit. Avout 1-2 min later the cutscene that happens started and I could move forward in the story.


Hotfix is currently being uploaded (which fixes that bug). You should be able to get it already via the mega download link <3


I noticed that when melody is selected for the sandbox mode she will slide across the screen during the animation.


In which section does this happen? Would be awesome if you could create a bug report ticket in the development discord to show us <3 Thank you!


Melody disappeared from my sandbox character selector and the in-game world during “free-play” A teleport or scene selector for the sandbox mode would be a nice implementation at some point. It could help to have a “snap to surface” button and a fine tuning option for placing actors in the sandbox, it was hard to find a spot to set the actors that they weren’t clipping through the environment in some way. Game feels infinitely smoother since last I played through and the scene where you fall into Melody’s pool is a huge upgrade from what was originally there, although I did like “gravity” the original scene had seeing the whole city flying towards you. Thanks for all your work guys, I’m really looking forward to seeing what comes next!


Heyhey! Thanks a lot for the feedback, we´re gonna try and address all of the above. Can you please explain in more detail when and how Mel vanished from the Menu? We haven´t been able to replicate the bug. (yet)


Was traying out the sandbox and at one point the models would detached from each other or not "stay connected" in a "functional way" for the action like instead of "Doing the action" to the other character model the MC is doing the moves into the air while the character in action is floating beside the MC model. Also the camera faction kind of got weird when zooming in/out and everything around started to warp and stretch


the zoom is a POV slider basically (only way to zoom cleanly in a non cinematic camera) and the characters disconnecting can be fixed by pressing F and F again to basically place them down again. That at least is the theory xD Could offer better help via discord <3


I’m not exactly sure how it happened but after arriving at Blair’s lab and getting the “End of Current Build” message I went to try out the sandbox mode (naturally). After trying a few scenes out when back on the character selector Melody had disappeared. She was also missing from the in-game world, where normally she hangs out near your character. This seemed to persist through save and load. Are there some sort of log files I can export/upload for you guys?


The game appears to break when attempting to interact with the character staring at the wall. Nothing new is allowed to happen but I am able to enter sandbox mode


Which build version are you on? Because that should have been resolved in, we also tested and verified that change in :3


Honestly assume she might have dropped through the ground and god ... well went missing indefinitely.

dominik sykora

i got stuck at go to the elevator and head outside nothing happens and i cant literally do anything

alois trancy

inside the elevator there are 2 interactions one shows an up arrow and the other a down arrow. the quest wants you to go down.


Hopefully thats the solution. We have to definitely make it more clear how to interact with elevators, its a pretty old "rough concept" atm that needs updating :3


i cant get sandbox mode to even work


In the sections that are sandbox enabled are queued to you via the "Sandbox" "Tab" icon on the right hand of the screen. At the moment the sections that have sandbox enabled are: After waking up from the "Dream" with Melody, after landing in the onsen and being prompted to follow melody OR test the sandbox, after melody showing you the apartment and before engaging with the closet, after finding melody at the bottom of VLT and before engaging with the tutorial enemy, after finishing the available story at blairs lab :)


I’ve tried in those areas. Pressing tab and Q neither will bring it up. I might be missing something. I’ll try again tomorrow :)


I am stuck approaching the creepy guy


Which version? If its in 5.3.3 simply try to E interact with it. It SHOULD have been fixed since :3


yes i have the newest verions. it does not let me interact with e


Best thing at this point is to open a bug report ticket on our discord server and let us try to figure out how to help you with this :)


Why does MEGA suck? It wont let me download the file where the other link will

Darian Jenkauski

ive deleted and redownoalded this 3 times but its always sensored.


Mega and our players have a very complicated relationship at times :3 For some it "just works" for others its ... like this. Thats why we offer a secondary link from pixel drain :D


I don't even bother at this point. I just simply use pixel drain. MEGA is regularly problematic


While toying around with sandbox, the character models will be displaced after switching between people or positions. I know pressing f and then f again fixes this, but after a couple switches of models or position, the bodies become contorted, move in unnatural ways when animated in sandbox, dont move at all, or all of the above. I’ve played around with all the sliders with the only resolve being to restart the game. Additionally, the camera angle and view get disrupted in a variety of ways.


Thanks for the feedback! We have been working like crazy on the sandbox and the next release end of this month will surprise you in many ways we promise <3


are any of the poses anal or are they all vaginal? if so what ones


Got this game a year ago and now I'm coming back to see all the updates lol. Just here to leave my mark on this sweet game👍