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The other version of Driftport is a pretty nice place. This is the version for DMs who imagine it as a place where the residents might drink turpentine, engage in cannibalism and sacrifice outsiders to an ancient abomination lurking deep beneath the waves. Or it can just be the night version, I suppose. Your call.

Drawing this gave me an idea for a map of another large, seafaring settlement and I wanted to get your opinions. Imagine a ship, like a galleon or a ship of the line, but much bigger. Bigger than any sailing ship ever built. 400' (130m) long and 140' (45m) across the beam. Eight masts, thirty sails. But this isn't just a ship, it's a town with hundreds of residents. Across the ship's 5-6 full decks, there are shops, craftsmen, a marketplace, a tavern, an inn, a temple, gardens, a library, a mill and a lot more. There are cabins for the middle class, luxury apartments for the rich and hammocks for the poor. This is a ship you could get lost in. It could be a community of traders, explorers, pirates or wanderers.

I don't know what the biggest ship map ever drawn is, but I'm fairly sure this would be larger by an order of magnitude. It would probably take around a month to draw and color. Anyway, is that something you'd be interested in?




Sounds great. I wonder what kind of govermental structure would rule over such a vessel?


Probably a captain at the top and a council of officers below that, with each overseeing a particular area of the ship. One for the deck crew, another for the guards/marines, another for the maintenance/repair crews, etc. That's how I'd picture it, anyway.


You had me at "imagine a ship"