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We're down from eleven proposals to six in this month's runoff. I'm gonna try to get that Whaleship done tonight, so I'll leave you to it:

AN7 proposes the Academy of War in the drow city of Vlyn'darastyl in the Black Loch. The academy trains the city's soldiers and guards in the art of war.

Joe proposes a druid's compound on the back of a gargantuan beetle. The beetle's back is covered with moss and flora, with a small tower, a garden, and a few sod-roofed huts.

Shawn proposes a fortified gothic manor house with a moat, the residence of a knight or lesser lord.

Reginald proposes a city block that abruptly fades into a hellish, corrupted mirror of that same neighborhood.

Silas proposes a generic wizard tower on a hill with space for 4-5 encounters.

Odd proposes a map of an interplanar zoo, where visitors from many planes of existence come to see creatures from across the multiverse. The zoo will have sections for different biomes, with gardens and landscaping along the paths between them.



Alright, I think I've got to call it for the gothic manor. Congrats to Shawn!