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The top two proposals from the second Black Loch Conclave vote were the Partially-Submerged Beholder Lair and the Deep Gnome Shipyard, which will move on to the final ballot. Congrats to Carl and Leo!

Here are your candidates for round three. Feel free to discuss, debate and promote them below:

Alfred proposes a kobold village in a maze of wet, narrow tunnels and moss farms, which the kobolds travel through in coracles (tiny, circular rowboats). The thing the kobolds value most is their collection of rubbish and fungi, but their heaps of filth hide a much greater treasure.

Thomas proposes the lair of a lich. Located along one of the loch's rivers, the lair has no door and can only be accessed via teleportation or by magically opening a passage through the stone. Or by grabbing a pickaxe and getting to work.

Jon proposes the Cackling Caverns, a series of booby-trapped caves that serves as the final resting place of a pirate king and his entire ship and crew. Many adventurers have died in the strange caves, where the broken laughter of the long-dead pirate king is said to be heard echoing through the stone.

Abigail proposes a small village with one large estate, home to a wizard and former adventurer who runs the place. For the residents' protection, accessing the village requires bypassing traps, solving puzzles, and beating golems/animated statues.

Steven proposes a troglodyte trading post. The troglodytes sell fresh water from their natural spring, as the loch's water is quite salty.



For some reason, Cackling Caverns makes me think of the Paths of the Dead from LOTR:ROTK... but if they were PIRATES! That gets my vote.


For the cackling caverns, would you be drawing traps or clues that traps are present on the maps?


Probably not. You can't show the map to the players if it's got the traps marked on it, after all.