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I made multiple-floor maps of Brazenthrone's larger chambers a long time ago, but, due to file size limits at the time, I had to chop the chambers into smaller pieces. Well, recently, I got a request for maps with the full chambers and, since Foundry now has a map size limit of 50MB, I went ahead and made them.

Most of these are still too big for Roll20's 10MB limit, but they should work with Foundry. You can update the patrons' Brazenthrone module to get them. If you don't have it, you can install it with this manifest URL.

I also updated the EncounterPlus version of the patrons' Brazenthrone module with these maps. I'm not sure how they'll look in E+, but I thought I'd put them in there anyway and let you decide if you want to do anything with them.

I should mention that the Great Hall and the Noble Quarter are so big that I was only able to fit the first three floors in. Foundry can't display maps over 15600 pixels. It's hard to hit that limit, but stacking four of the biggest maps I've ever made on top of each other apparently gets you there. Anyway, here are the chambers included:

  • The Great Hall (1-3 only)
  • The Noble Quarter (1-3 only)
  • The Old Quarter
  • The Anvil Quarter
  • The Common Quarter
  • High King's Palace
  • Underdark Trading Outpost
  • Oreworks

By the way, the next map will be the one chosen by last month's Cartographic Congress: a Tolkien-esque elven city in the rainforest. At first, I didn't have any idea how this was going to go, but I've been doing some sketching and I think it's gonna be pretty cool. I hope you like the color green.




bless you milby, you truly are a hero to the people. i use these maps to run a megadungeon set around the collapse of the brazenthrone, your work into the detail of these maps, as well as the background of the city itself are a work of art.