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So, I don't know if ship tokens are actually a thing anyone uses or wants, but I hope they are because I made a bunch of them. If they're not, well, they were only an hour's work, so no big deal.

Originally, I'd planned to make tokens out of the ships from the Vlyn'darastyl map, but they were too small, so I used boats I drew for other maps instead. The only one I drew specifically for this was the Century Pelican, which I figured might be useful too.

Anyway, I'm about to start my first session on Roll20 later today. Thanks to everyone for the advice about how to get started! I've got everything set up: the maps, the tokens, the macros, the discord and all the rest. Let's hope it goes smoothly. And good luck to any other first-timers out there as well! We will screw this up together.




My PCs just rescued Torchguard from pirates and are heading to Anchorage so I’ll definitely use these.


I know this is an old post, but Yes people do, this image is the reason I am now a Patreon. Thanks