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This month's Cartographic Congress vote is upon us and, with one Greek and two Roman-themed proposals, this one's got no shortage of chest hair.

Since it's the holidays and some people may be away from the internet for a few days, I'll leave this vote open until the 29th or so. Have a good Christmas/Hanukkah/Yule/Festivus or any other holiday you celebrate that I may have missed. Saturnalia? Do people still celebrate that? I don't know. If you do, have a good one.

By the way, I'm going to ink a few pages with the barbican and three outer gates (yeah, three) of Mont-Saint-Michel and I'll have them up by tomorrow, so you can get a little better idea of what's in the works.

All right, your candidates for this month:

Senator Fraz-Urb'luu proposes a pirate's secret airship factory, hidden on an earthmote (an island in the sky).

Senator Chris proposes a Roman-inspired reinforced border town, with stockade, basic buildings and a barracks.

Senator Bryan proposes an island outpost set adrift in an astral sea.

Senator Williams proposes an abandoned/overgrown Roman villa.

Senator Johnson proposes a town built beneath a cliff with a waterfall which uses waterwheels to power the town's industry.

Senator Andrew proposes a Greek-style acropolis similar to the Parthenon.

Senator Yeti proposes a magical, sparkly pink spaceship of love.

Senator Adrian proposes a stone bridge over a large valley, fortified with a mountain outpost on one end.

Senator TR proposes a town that has been twisted into an infernal maze to serve as the lair of a demonic minotaur lord.



Too many great ideas to really choose from Darnit.