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First of all: yes, that is seriously my phone. Now you know. I'm the last person on earth with a phone that folds in half. I'll give you a minute to finish laughing.

All good? Okay, so these are the pencils for most of the merchants' trade port island. There are a number of smaller outlying islands, plus upper and lower floors for a few buildings, but my camera is dying and I had to fight with it just to get this picture, so the rest will have to wait.

The island has around 50 buildings, including three taverns, a brothel, a lighthouse, a distillery and a number of traders' warehouses. I was reading about Port Royal, a town in Jamaica that used to be a pirate hangout. In its heyday, it was flooded with money and prostitutes and had around one bar for every ten residents. This will be that kind of place.




Pedagogic visualisations are what we all love. But there are things that can't be displayed easily without symbols on map, such as spot elevation, sloping surfaces, height of ceiling and shape of ceiling, depth of water, flow of water. I guess one either put that in text that accompany the map, or on map. Just my 2 pence.


Fair enough. What'd you think about the way I showed the elevation on the assassins' monastery?


It works. The sideview with included spot elevations works as a rough guide but your maps, the Assassin's Keep is no exception, would benefit from spot elevations on-map as well. In the case of this one, compared to the valley floor, and one more zoomed in granular level of elevation differences on-map inside the monastery/keep compound. It would be useful both for in-game mechanics, skill resolution, spell effects etc. Again my 2 pence and personal preference. The elevation of area 6? 10? The first platform of the stairs from area 4 and 6, elevation? You could of course do your own math-guesstimate but it is quicker and more lovely to have it prepped on map. In my book the Assassin's map would be an extra level of cool, juice and assum if it had both the sideview as is, to get it roughly, and on map elevations too. <3


I hear you, I just figured the elevations in the sideview would be enough for game purposes and I'd be able to avoid drawing lines all over the map. Anyway, the next map is going to have elevation lines, so let me know if you like that better.


You are boss mate. But spot elevations on-map are *really* helpful if you are playing D&amp;D/5E/Pathfinder (or any simulationist/gamist-leaning mechanics). If you look at the Harn Map Key symbols as a reference (see the link above) I'd use the interior map key spot elevations for all interior maps (noting "+5", "+11" etc. on-map as refs to "0 level", which usually is a ref to the ground floor/entrance of a dungeon, keep,inn, etc).