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Brazenthrone's Grand Temple is a religious complex dedicated to all the gods of the dwarven pantheon. I use Forgotten Realms deities for Brazenthrone, so the big golden gentleman in the middle would be Moradin the All-Father, surrounded by the other 13 gods of the Morndinsamman. The four larger statues are Berronar Truesilver, goddess of hearth and home (and wife of Moradin); Clangeddin Silverbeard, god of battle; Sharindlar, goddess of love and healing; and Dumathoin, god of mining and gems.

I said I'd be doing one of the larger maps chosen in the Great Vote next and I've decided on the small, but densely-populated merchants' trade port island. In the vote, it was in the large category, but I'd say it'll end up being what I'd normally class as a "huge" map (actually, I'd say it'll be pretty massive). Also, as I said before, I'm looking to tackle Brazenthrone's Anvil Quarter and Noble Quarter soon and one of those will probably come after that.

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Is the north part of the building taller than the central spire? So those central domes are on the second floor?


Yes, the domes are just part of the roof over the Hall of the Gods. The second and third floors are higher.


As always great work, i am almost done writing my campaign set around Brazenthrone. Every time you post it helps fill in my world and gives me a new burst of energy!


That's awesome! Are you using Brazenthrone as a populated city or a ruins?