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If you like this map, but you'd prefer to hide the secret rooms from your players, here's a version without them. That's also the version for people who'd prefer this monastery to be occupied by honest, wholesome monks who actually spend their days thinking about god, growing herbs and killing as few people as possible. Also: boring. Just kidding, do your thing.

In case you missed the last post, this place was inspired by Rudkhan Castle in Iran, which was actually controlled by the historical assassins at one point. I think this place could be used for plenty of other things, though. Maybe they're cultists. Or vampires. Or werewolves, or bandits, or... bandits who are also werewolves. You get the idea. Anyone who wants to hide in plain sight.

I said I was going to do a residential part of Brazenthrone next, but I changed my mind. I'm doing the Grand Temple instead. After that, I'm doing one of the bigger maps chosen in the Great Vote. Then, I'm not sure, but I can tell you this: I want to make a push to get Brazenthrone's Anvil Quarter and Noble Quarter finished. That gets the core of the city done, along with entrances from the surface and the underdark, and puts the whole thing in a much more usable state. I think I can get those both finished within the next two months or so. All right, I'm going to get to work on that temple.

Here is your Google Drive link.




Can't wait to dive into this map! Thanks for your work!


What a great map, gonna get my players in here ASAP