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The Great Library is a fantasy version of the Great Library of Alexandria. The historical Library of Alexandria is famous for being the largest repository of knowledge in the ancient world. Its construction, ordered by the Pharaoh Ptolemy II, was probably the greatest accomplishment anyone who slept with their sister has ever made.

In addition to its large collection of books, scrolls and maps, the Great Library features living facilities for resident scholars, a lecture hall, shrine, scriptorium and more. It truly is a great milestone in mankind's eternal quest for knowledge. You should send your players to burn it to the ground. 

There's the usual patreon stuff for patrons. You know the deal.




What's next mate?


Next up is the third level of the Common Quarter, then the Assassins' Keep. Then Brazenthrone again and then something from the Great Vote. I'm thinking I'll do one of the big ones.


Beautiful! Unfortunately, on the annotated version it seems that you may have swapped locations 9 (privies) and 10 (bath) on the map...unless this is deliberate


Dammit, I did. Thanks for letting me know! I'll get that changed in a second. No one wants to crap in the pool and bathe in the toilet.