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This is the map chosen by last month's Cartographic Congress, based on the proposal by Senator Ross. It's designed to be a haunted house with a number of secret chambers, although I can imagine a few other uses for it. The largest of the secret rooms in the cellar were left unfurnished to make the map more flexible, allowing different DMs to imagine different dark secrets in the cellar.

If you'd prefer not to advertise the secret rooms to your players, here's a version with the secret doors omitted.

Next up is Brazenthrone's High King's Palace, then a guarded bridge.

Well, I'm off to go see an actual castle today: the Rock of Cashel. It may not be the largest castle, but it's definitely a contender for Most Badass Name. It's mostly unroofed, so let's hope the weather doesn't get too Irish. We'll see.

Google Drive Link 




By the way, if anyone is having a hard time reading that font, let me know. I think it looks good here, but if it's killing your retinas to read it, I can make another version with less-fancy lettering.